Accusations of “Stolen Valor” Blowing Up Kamala’s Running Mate Walz – IOTW Report

Accusations of “Stolen Valor” Blowing Up Kamala’s Running Mate Walz


Bloomberg News has edited a profile of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), the new running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris, to note that he served in Italy, not in Iraq, during his time in the National Guard.

Walz faces accusations of “stolen valor” after falsely claiming that he carried a weapon in “war,” and also claiming to have retired from the Guard as a command sergeant major, whereas in fact he retired as a master sergeant, one rank below.

Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) accused Walz of “stolen valor” on Wednesday, after Walz had attacked him the day before for having attended Yale Law School. Vance added the accusation that Walz quit the Guard rather than deploying to Iraq. More

20 Comments on Accusations of “Stolen Valor” Blowing Up Kamala’s Running Mate Walz

  1. From what I am seeing on X, there was documentation of his stolen valor BEFORE they chose him. So they don’t care.
    It’s just more diabolical narcissism. They intentionally put awful candidates up, relying on Dominion to bring home the vote count.

  2. Except for Minneapolis Minnesota is a very rural state. Why are there so many libtards there that would vote a commie into the Governor’s mansion?
    Or was the election stolen?

  3. I know he’s a tempting target, but it’s too bad they’re hitting him so hard so early. Maybe after the convention when he will be harder to replace as a VP candidate.

  4. Jethro, Al Franken stole his election in 2008 in Minnesota. That was the beginning of the downfall of Minnesota. They always had uber leftists, but they became emboldened and more vocal until it became what you see today. So thankful I left in 2017 just as it was getting worse.

  5. @Left Coast Dan:

    From what I am seeing on X, there was documentation of his stolen valor BEFORE they chose him. So they don’t care.

    Could it be they were too stupid to look there?

  6. Sorta, mostly true. He did not complete the CSM schooling but held the rank conditionally pending completion. One of the conditions imposed and agreed to beforehand is that failing the training OR not completing is a reduction in rank to E-8, Master Sargent.

  7. Stolen Valor isn’t a stigma of disgrace or public disapproval with Minnesota Democrats or the Democrat National Party.

    The Democrat Party has been a disgrace since Clinton, Obama and through the Biden administration. Immorality, not a problem. Corruption, not a problem. Questionable Book “Deals”, no problem. You are a socialist, no Problem. You are serial liar, Not a problem. You gained political appointment through sex, No Problem. You have dementia, no Problem. You are stupid, Not a Problem. You choose a literal Political Whore as your VP, not a problem. Appoint a Communist to lead the CIA, Not a problem. Kick backs for political grants and contracts, Not a Problem. You choose a Communist as your running mate, Not a Problem. Unqualified Military Appointees that couldn’t lead a squad are now leading Armies, Not a problem. Stolen Valor, Not a Problem. Plagiarism, Not a Problem.
    Censoring articles and posts of journalists and citizens, Not a Problem. Illegally spying on Americans, Not a Problem. Millions of illegal immigrants coming across our Border, Not a Problem. Encourage ANTIFA and BLM to Riot, Not a Problem. Fascists burn down cities and loot businesses, Not a Problem. Cowardice, not a Problem. Weaponizing Federal Agencies, Not a Problem. Weaponizing the Judiciary, Not a Problem. Jailing Political opponents, Not A problem. Trillions of Dollars in DEBT, Not a Problem. Crime and murder rate increases, Not a Problem. Muslim terrorists cross our border illegally, Not a Problem. Funding our enemies, Not a Problem. Murder and Rape by illegal immigrants, Not a Problem. Inflation is destroying the finances of US Families, Not a Problem. Continue to send 100s of $Billions of Tax Dollars to fund proxy wars, Not a Problem. Grants and aid to governments who hate the US, Not a problem. Starting Wars and sending our youth to die by the thousands, Not a Problem.

    The Democrat Party has been a disgrace for over 40 years. Nothing under the sun disqualifies their candidates, office holders or Agencies.
    It’s not a Problem for Democrats.

  8. Dorgot to add, ANYTHING to do with promotions or assigbments of E-7 and above are handled by the Army. Like the Pentagon. They remove local commands from active Army, Reserve and National Guard from those decisions. So saying a State NG pulled his temporary rank is not correct. The Pentagon did that.

    I could be wrong on this, but I’ll bet there are more one star generals today than Command Sarge Majors. At one time, my older brother was the youngest CSM in the Army. Don’t know if that has been beat. Sorta’ why I know what I wrote above.

  9. The upper positions are highly political in the Guard. He had a temporary promotion pending he completed the coursework and he occupied the E-9 slot until he found out the unit was going to be deployed to Iraq. There were probably 2 or 3 MSGT’s who were also qualified for that position but were locked out while he did not take the classes. A MSGT could voluntarily take the correspondence courses if they were not in the slot.

    BTW: I retired as a MSGT in the Guard. Timing was not right for me to ever be considered for the promotion. The guy that had the position sat in it for 12 years after I retired.


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