Acting Secret Service Chief Played Key Role in Limiting Resources for Trump on J13 – IOTW Report

Acting Secret Service Chief Played Key Role in Limiting Resources for Trump on J13


Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe was directly involved in denying additional security resources and personnel, including counter snipers, to former President Trump’s rallies and events – despite repeated requests by the agents assigned to Trump’s detail in the two years leading up to his July 13 attempted assassination, according to several sources familiar with the decision-making.

Rowe succeeded former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who resigned last week after bipartisan calls following her widely panned testimony before the House Oversight Committee. But both Rowe and Cheatle were directly involved in decisions denying requests for more magnetometers, additional agents, and other resources to help screen rallygoers at large, outdoor Trump campaign gatherings.

It was Rowe’s decision alone to deny counter sniper teams to any Trump event outside of driving distance from D.C., these sources asserted. more

See also: Angry emails from an agent to the USSS, video recap of Rowe’s appearance before Congress, and commentary from Robert Gouveia.

19 Comments on Acting Secret Service Chief Played Key Role in Limiting Resources for Trump on J13

  1. Haha, that haircut. I could do a better job doing myself and looking in the mirror. What’s he doing testifying in front of Congress looking like he got the first haircut in boot camp?

  2. “Acting Secret Service Chief Played Key Role in Limiting Resources for Trump on J13”

    “Acting Secret Service Chief Played Key Role in Assassination attempt on President Trump on J13”

    Fixed it for ya!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. There is a high likelihood there will be another attempt on Trump’s life. It must mean they’re unsure they can cram enough illegal ballots into the machine to thwart the will of the American people once again. The SS must have been told to stand down until the shooter had a chance to rid the democrats of their main nemesis.

  4. And all we can do is sit by and watch all the lying criminals just carry on with their daily douchebaggery??

    It’s just not right.

  5. Notice how the alphabet Agencies keep trying to direct attention away from the latter and back to the former. We have their number. So long as the Democrats’ dear, dear friends across the aisle are involved what must be kept in mind is that the CIA still has the Bush/Cheney element in control in the wheelhouse.

  6. Number 2 agent masterminds and executes the thing that Number 1 agent gets blamed for, which forces Number 1 agent to resign, putting Number 2 agent into Number 1 position.

    And here I was thinking Francis Underwood was a creature of fiction.


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