Adjunct Professor Says Trump’s Crackdown on Free Speech Has Begun After Threatening To Shoot White People Put Him in a Psych Ward – IOTW Report

Adjunct Professor Says Trump’s Crackdown on Free Speech Has Begun After Threatening To Shoot White People Put Him in a Psych Ward


Look at this idiot. People are going into debt to listen to this a-hole talk to them. The students and the parents should be taken to a psych ward for evaluation.


  • Rutgers University adjunct professor Kevin Allred said some of his tweets ended up landing him in a psych ward
  • NYPD arrived at his home on Tuesday and told him he was ‘a threat based on political statements’ he made on ‘campus and on Twitter
  • He explained on Twitter the tweets in question were statements about burning the American flag and the Second Amendment
  • Police loaded him into an ambulance and took him to a hospital where he underwent a psychiatric evaluation
  • When he was released, he said the incident was ‘proof positive that Trump’s crackdown on free speech has absolutely begun’
  • Rutgers officials said a student had filed a complaint about Allred, but did not elaborate 


Dr. Jay & Miss Diana Allen

32 Comments on Adjunct Professor Says Trump’s Crackdown on Free Speech Has Begun After Threatening To Shoot White People Put Him in a Psych Ward

  1. It will get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. These people simply don’t have the endurance to keep this up. They don’t have the attention span. And, eventually, the $ people behind them (Soros, PACs, other individual and family donors) will be run to ground by the new DoJ’s Civil Rights section and warned/investigated/indicted under RICO and there won’t be any more easy money for the ‘boots on the ground.’ And eventually, down the road, putting “activist” on your resume will be worse than listing your personal hobbies.

    One step at a time. One step at a time.

  2. I saw he taught a class about feminism and politicizing Beyoncé. So a guy with a man bun teaching feminism starts talking about shooting white people and ends up being carried away for a psych evaluation. Shocking.
    Who would pay money for a class like this?! And surprisingly he was so offensive someone that paid for this even recoiled and felt he was a threat.

  3. “It will get worse before it gets better”.

    Truer words. Trump supports have been beaten, humiliated, and harassed since this process began. Keep fucking with the bull and sooner or later you get the horn. That’s when it will stop. And there’s a bunch of us ready to deliver the horn.

  4. @MJA – Your assumption about an easy A is apparently correct, except his “students” truly think his class is AWESOME and they learned so much by watching the entertaining videos. This is just more evidence that a college degree these days (in many fields of study) is worse than worthless because the newly “educated” idiots have no innate capacity to fathom how stupid they actually are.

  5. Bubba’s Brother- the level of difficulty! LOLOL. I want to see their faces when they try to get a job and the employer asks them what is Beyonce and how can it be applied to benefit this company?

  6. BB — I truly hope that it goes peacefully because the lesson learned — really learned — will be that cooler heads prevail and fiat-by-trantrum is just plain stupid, wrong, immature and has no place in the public square. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be armed and ready to prevent harm or death to ourselves and loved ones, but for now I’m not going into the fray just to test the situation. My concern is that someone will lose their cool, kill someone and there goes the ballgame. We’ll spend the next year or so in utter chaos over something that could have been avoided in the first place and it takes our focus off furthering the greatness that is within our grasp. It gives these yahoos the fuel they are craving. I fully expect someone on their ‘side’ to kill someone else on their ‘side’ in order to jump start the derailment.

  7. Six years ago I had a strong premonition to move from a liberal city in a liberal state to a mostly white small town in a conservative state. I left my house to the bank, abandoned my friends, my way of making a living, etc. and took it on faith that I would survive on my wits (as I always have) not knowing if I would regret my decision. It took several years to get established in my new surroundings but things have turned out and I’m in a mostly safe environment filled with preppers and Trump supporters.

  8. AA, if this maintains its current trajectory, it won’t end peaceful. And there’s going to be a lot of snowflakes caught in the cross fire. I see one more didn’t do Nuffen with barbed wire wrapped around a bat terrorizing some pregnant lady in a car I’m ready to jump in.

  9. “Bad_Brad: Yes, these idiots will hop the fence into the wrong pasture at some point.”

    Exactly. You can see it coming. Hopefully it happens in Texas. At least the bull will have a chance.

  10. I hate to break the news to this maroon, but Donald Trump has better things to do than read your tweets or even find out who you are. Apply Occam’s Razor: your tweets seemed threatening, someone complained, and the cops hauled you in for an evaluation.

    Besides, Trump is only the President Elect. Barack Obama is the one currently trying to silence you. (Yes, I like to torment the mentally deficient. So what.)

  11. “Oh, and your’re a fucking loser if your hips and shoulders are the same width. Just stating a fact.”

    Really? so you got lucky DNA, but my hard working Brother In Law dying of cancer is a loser because he was not born with your idea of a great masculine body shape?

    that is just so sad…..

  12. I pity you Brad. You base your life on your looks and how much you can lift. I am happy it works for you, but I am glad I don’t live my life that way. I’m a skinny little runt, and it does not bother me in the least that I am.

  13. I have been saying that academia is going to go down the toilet! Now it is manifesting itself! I hope they fire this guy and Rutgers loses so much money that they will change in order to get people back.

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