Advice For Men – IOTW Report

Advice For Men

h/t Old Mechanic.

[China Virus, Stolen Election]

33 Comments on Advice For Men

  1. I went outside a week ago to BBQ a Hambuger at 10Pm and saw my female Neighbor squatting on the driveway. When I told my wife she said, “she’s perfect for you!”

    This lock down has a lot of people acting like me. We are all fucked!

  2. If you’re looking to get into a pissing contest, don’t even think you’re going to beat a girl. I’ve stood on the end of a dock, drinking beer, and seeing who could piss the farthest. You might not believe it but one of the girls must have pissed a stream 15 feet. She dropped her shorts, bent over, and peed backwards and beat us all. That’s a no shit story.

  3. “Jee, I gotta piss, I’ll run back to the shithouse.”

    “Dude, just piss on the pasture.”

    You can piss wherever you want to, here. That’s why I bought the place.

  4. Anonymous
    I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on that bitch if she were on fire. And she better get use to fire considering where she’s headed really soon.

  5. Remember the old graffiti written on the gas station or bus station walls that said, piss quick crabs swim upstream. I find this all funny as I am just coming off a having a UTI which started last Friday, went to the doctor at Kaiser Sunday morning to get it taken care of, she put me on some heavy duty antibiotics and Flomax (again), and I was off work for 3 days until yesterday. I’m back to normal now and can pee freely, thank goodness. If I would’ve worked I would’ve pissed or tried to piss constantly on everything alongside the side of the road and every available restroom. Thank God for antibiotics, I don’t wish UTI’s on anyone. Now to find me a tree that needs a good watering or when the time comes hanoi Jane’s or John effin Kerry’s grave along with a lot of my fellow vets.


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