After Endorsing The Dem in Alabama, Bezos’s WaPo Plans to Hit Roy Moore with Allegations of Inappropriate Relations with Teenagers; Judge Claims Smear Campaign – IOTW Report

After Endorsing The Dem in Alabama, Bezos’s WaPo Plans to Hit Roy Moore with Allegations of Inappropriate Relations with Teenagers; Judge Claims Smear Campaign

Big Government: 

UPDATE: After this Breitbart News piece, the Washington Post released its story.


BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — The Washington Post is imminently planning to run a piece targeting Judge Roy Moore, claiming that he engaged in inappropriate conduct with four teenage girls 34 years ago.

The alleged incidents, all of which Moore strongly denies, allegedly took place between 1977 and 1982. Breitbart News obtained details of the forthcoming Post story from the newspaper’s letter detailing the allegations sent to Moore’s campaign for comment.

“These allegations are completely false and are a desperate political attack by the National Democrat Party and the Washington Post on this campaign,” Moore said in a statement obtained by Breitbart News.

Separately, Moore’s campaign said in a statement, “This garbage is the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation.”

The campaign pointed out that Moore has been married to his wife, Kayla, for nearly 33 years and has four children and five grandchildren. It also noted that Moore has served in public office in the past and that no such allegations were previously made.

The statement said:

The Judge has been a candidate in four hotly-contested statewide political contests, twice as a gubernatorial candidate and twice as a candidate for chief justice. He has been a three-time candidate for local office, and he has been a national figure in two ground-breaking, judicial fights over religious liberty and traditional marriage.

“After over 40 years of public service, if any of these allegations were true, they surely would have been made public long before now,” the statement continued.

The forthcoming Post story centers on on-the-record interviews with four women who claimed that when they were teenagers and Moore was in his 30s, he attempted to court them or that he dated them. One claims that he engaged in sexual conduct while she was below the age of consent. The current age of consent in Alabama is 16. Breitbart News is holding back the names of the four women.

One of the women was 18 when she claimed that she went on several dates with Moore. The charge in the claim is that when they went to a local pizzeria, Moore ordered wine even though the woman was one year younger than the legal drinking age in Alabama. The woman is not cited making any claims of inappropriate sexual conduct.

Another woman says when she was 17 and Moore was 34, they openly dated each other in the spring of 1981. This woman also is not cited making any claims of inappropriate sexual conduct. In fact, she characterized Moore as being romantic, reading poetry to her, and playing the guitar. The woman is cited saying that physical contact only involved kissing and did not progress any further.

A third woman claims that when she was working at a local mall as a Santa’s helper when she was 14, Moore approached her. She claims he asked her to go on dates when she was 16 but that her mother would not allow it.

The most serious allegation comes from a woman who claims that Moore engaged in sex acts with her when she was 14.  Read more

36 Comments on After Endorsing The Dem in Alabama, Bezos’s WaPo Plans to Hit Roy Moore with Allegations of Inappropriate Relations with Teenagers; Judge Claims Smear Campaign

  1. Bezos or McCain/McConnell ?
    My gut says that this is slander. It’s probably nothing more than another Russian dossier with the usual suspects fingerprints all over it.

  2. Seriously. Weinstein and a few others like Cosby had the rumors trailing them for YEARS.
    But all of a sudden, 4 women against Moore? Not to mention 3 of them aren’t charging him for anything but the 4th is complaining? lol. Nice try, Dem dummies. So desperate.

  3. Bannon calls for McConnell’s resignation and now the candidate that beat his is accused of years of pedophilia. McCain/McConnell just happened to be camera ready for comment. These rinos are dirty weasels and this fish is rotting from the head.

  4. I’m not eating that crap 34 year ago and the woman didn’t say nothing but she is in financial trouble also Washington post endorsed the communist dem lib for senator and the owner for the Washington post is Bezo not eating that crap. Remember Herman Cain

  5. With RINOs like McConnell and McCain backing you up, who needs democrats?
    There may come a day when real men will not even speak to women, let alone date them or hire them. And the girlymen at the WAPO will rule the roost.
    Remember how Obama won his first election in Chicago? The demorats illegally revealed to the press sealed court records on his opponents divorce. That’s the way they play.
    I am seeing the same scenario here. The “wet starter” and Turtle face do not want Judge Moore.

  6. Hey, some of the dirtbag so-called republicans play as down and dirty as the Demoncraps! This has the fingerprints of old Chinless working in collusion with Chucky Schumer! They both have done this sort of thing many times and are very good at it!

  7. 34 years ago. Literally the previous Century.

    How’d their smear team find and select these women? Craigslist ads?

    I don’t expect this phoney slander will hurt Moore a bit. It will likely help him.
    John Songbird Obamacare McCain don’t mean s— to Alabamans.

  8. like the 16 women who accused Trump a month before the election….heard anything from them lately? Can we ask McCain to resign based on the Savings and Loan scandal he was involved in?

  9. They are getting desperate!

    If there was any validity to any of this, they would come forward with pictures, video, recordings, or ANYTHING to verify this. They would have destroyed him years ago, and not wait until now.

    If he is any sort of lawyer, he will defend himself with A+ ability.
    If not, then he doesn’t deserve to win.

  10. One simple question:

    Where the fuck were these allegations when he was up for his Judgeship?

    Really, how is this fallacy allowed without repercussions?

    Why does it seem that there are no good lawyers in the republican ranks.

    Damn it, Burn someones ass, this shit will stop.

  11. Allegations of sexual harassment and sexual predators is all the rage in Hollywood. Bezos, McCONnell and McCain are jumping on the band wagon. Three slimeballs with a not-so-hidden agenda!

  12. It’s official, all the dirty politicos have turned America into a banana republic !
    Trump needs to order a full investigation and all the slanderers have to be exposed.

  13. This is a RINO setup. McConnell doesn’t want Judge Moore in the Senate. All the more reason we should want him. Donate a few bucks to Moore. Show the bastards we care. Not a penny to the RNC!

  14. Mark Levin is saying the reporter heard rumors and ran with them. At least one of them said she never went to the Post. She said she wad 19 and went on a couple of dates with Moore. She said they kissed once and that was it.

    The timing could be more obvious.

  15. I say BS this is gorilla dust.
    McCain and McConnell are swamp creatures.
    Picture Trump entering the Washington bijou last year, all the swamp vermin sit back and observe and slowly creep up on PDT and all of the other anti establishment pro trump politico’s.
    They then attack the most vocal and dangerous to the status quo, Moore is in the death spiral and there will be more.
    Gird your loins bretheren.

  16. I’d say that the moment the WP publishes that Moore then sues the WP and Bezos for a couple of billion dollars explaining that the media while it does have more leeway in slander it doesn’t have the right to use lies to influence elections. Make sure Bezos is front and centre in the lawsuit and that all his assets are on the line. If Moore wins then a precedent is set regardless of what the actual dollar amount of the award is.

  17. Those idiot Rinos just made a big mistake. If Moore sues them for slander and interfering with an election it will expose every dirty little detail of their lives, not his. I’m sure the Judge knows exactly how to go about handling those fools.


    Is that the best they got? The RINOs didn’t get their establishment “yes man” to win the primaries, so they’ll sacrifice one of their own?

    THIS is how bad the Republican party is. Run by nothin’ but democrats.

  19. Roy Moore should sue each and every one of his accusers ASAP. It will make it difficult for these lying trollops to continue hiding behind a victimhood facade. RINO John McCain has got to be the cancerous brain who came up with the plan to start, Operation: Bimbo Erruption against Moore. Anything to sabotage the Trump agenda.

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