After Spanish left’s crushing defeat in local elections, Pedro Sánchez calls for snap elections on July 23 – IOTW Report

After Spanish left’s crushing defeat in local elections, Pedro Sánchez calls for snap elections on July 23

Spaniards voted on Sunday to elect their regional and municipal assemblies, and the results that came out of the ballot boxes do not bode well for Pedro Sánchez’s governing coalition of socialists, far-left populists, and communists.

The landslide victory of the center-right People’s Party (PP) and Vox’s conservatives in Sunday’s local and regional elections came after a campaign marred by attempts by members of the prime minister’s socialist party (PSOE) to rig the election in some municipalities. There was also the usual hate speech directed at conservatives from government circles that has resulted in acts of physical violence by far-left extremists and the presence of former terrorists linked to the Basque Marxist organization (ETA) in the electoral lists of a regional far-left party, Bildu, which has been indispensable to maintaining Sٞánchez’s minority government in power.

Whereas those election irregularities have gone unnoticed in Brussels — where Europe’s left-liberal establishment seems to be preoccupied with democracy and the rule of law solely in member states ruled by right-wing conservatives — they have been heavily castigated by Spanish voters. These voters probably also had in mind the threat to democracy and the rule of law posed by the ruling coalition’s recent radical legislation, like the “Yes means yes” law, which has led to the liberation of hundreds of sexual offenders, and the “trans” law adopted this year, which is Europe’s most radical gender-ideology law and marks a real totalitarian drift.

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