Alaska: ‘Jihadi Cult Member’ Files to Run for Congress – IOTW Report

Alaska: ‘Jihadi Cult Member’ Files to Run for Congress

h/t Ladygun12


Clarion Project: A member of Muslims of the Americas (MOA), an Islamist hate group that cultishly follows a jihadist cleric in Pakistan, is running for Congress in Alaska. He is the second member of MOA to announce a congressional run this year, following Tahirah Amatul-Wadud in Massachusetts.

In 2016, Gregory “Shoaib” Jones was a delegate for Senator Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention and ran for the Alaska state House in District 8. His deep involvement with MOA was exposed by the Clarion Project at the time, triggering a statewide controversy.

Now, Jones is running for Congress and styling himself as a progressive interfaith leader. If Jones wins the Democratic primary for the at-large congressional district, he will face Republican Rep. Don Young in the general election.

The group that Greg Jones belongs to is led by a terror-linked cleric in Pakistan named Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani. It claims to have 22 “Islamic villages” in America, including its “Islamberg” headquarters.

The group has been continually under investigation because of its criminal and terrorist activity since the 1970s, including a raid on its guerilla training camp in Colorado in 1992.  more

14 Comments on Alaska: ‘Jihadi Cult Member’ Files to Run for Congress

  1. The religion of peace’s political arm is active. Beware!

    He’s running on the “if you don’t vote for me we’ll kill you and if you do vote for me we’ll kill you” ticket

  2. Shame dems need trash votes like this, not even legal votes,,,but ignore their swearing in,,, But we get who we vote for,,legally,,, Just saw Gotham,
    had to dump on Trump , great, thanks no talent trash,,,

  3. No matter he’s a democrat, expect Lisa Murkowski will support him. She votes along D lines most of the time anyway, but especially in matters of diversity.

  4. I understand that it is now not that hard to make fake videos that are very hard to tell from the real thing. There needs to be a viral video of this Jones mohammadman grinning and moaning while being buggered by a large french poodle.

  5. Alaskans can easily dispose of this guy before he get’s into their homes and Churches. My favorite senario would involve an out of the way Salmon Cannery in Ketchikan, and Fresh Canned Meat for the Pakistani’s.


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