All It Took Was One Election for ‘Kids in Cages’ to Become Acceptable Once Again – IOTW Report

All It Took Was One Election for ‘Kids in Cages’ to Become Acceptable Once Again


In an amazing announcement this week the Biden administration has declared they will be reopening a facility in Texas this week in order to temporarily house hundreds of migrant youths who have recently entered the country. If your head just tilted like a dog hearing a harmonica, you are not alone. All of a sudden, it appears, the concept of housing young children from other countries in a government setting is acceptable. 

Yes, this sounds like a contradiction from a narrative we have been served for the past four years, but just you wait. I recommend wearing eye protection, as the flying shrapnel from euphemisms will be likely.

The kids will stay in “hard-sided structures. Additional semi-permanent (soft-sided) capacity may be added if necessary, though ORR will always prioritize placing children in hard-sided structures over semi-permanent structures.”

Just that quickly, the practice of housing these arrivals is no longer placing them in “jails,” and due to the pains taken in the quartering, “kids in cages” no longer applies. 


9 Comments on All It Took Was One Election for ‘Kids in Cages’ to Become Acceptable Once Again

  1. they’ll have to wear masks on that federal property, or they go from cages to the ‘big house’
    good luck with that
    please test the little truants for TB, and use a two step test.

  2. Toronto has been in lock down since Dec 26th. What the fuck is the difference?
    I actually have to pay utilities, taxes, food & Cable in my Cage!

    Doug Ford, fake conservative Fat Cocksucker Premier of Ontario.

  3. They’re cages of love.

    But no, we should let childen roam free in a facility filled with cartel members, drug dealers, rapists, murderers and every other stripe of malcontent escaping the law in their home country. Preferably without masks on in close quarters.

    Masks are symbols of white supremacy. Probably.

    Now the government can start writing those $5,000 a month checks for each child placed with Catholic Charities to circulate their non-English speaking young molestables through their human trafficking network.

    Biden’s getting his Flonase ready now. That’s a lot of hair to sniff.


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