‘Amateur Hour’: Biden Admin’s Floating Gaza Pier Problems Go From Bad To Worse – IOTW Report

‘Amateur Hour’: Biden Admin’s Floating Gaza Pier Problems Go From Bad To Worse

Daily Caller:

New problems are mounting for the Biden administration’s $320 million floating Gaza aid pier which was already facing setbacks, despite becoming operational less than two weeks ago.

The U.S. military was forced to halt aid shipments to Gaza on Tuesday after the floating pier was damaged by bad weather over the weekend. The damage sustained from the bad weather is only the latest in a string of logistical and operational problems that have plagued the pier since it was constructed in mid May. more

25 Comments on ‘Amateur Hour’: Biden Admin’s Floating Gaza Pier Problems Go From Bad To Worse

  1. fullmetal256
    WEDNESDAY, 29 MAY 2024, 14:10 AT 2:10 PM

    “It’s food, right? And i assume they can cook…”


    They only use ovens to murder defenseless infants in the most vicious way possible.

    As they recently demonstrated.


    …there is no tool of civilized man you can give a Pali that he wont turn to the worst purposes of 7th Century evil.

    This is why the only rations they deserve is lead to eat and their own blood to drink.

  2. SNS… Apologies for my weakness.

    Yes. I try not to think about what they did, as I know they won’t pay the price until death… May it come soon for them – ALL of them.

  3. fullmetal256
    WEDNESDAY, 29 MAY 2024, 14:46 AT 2:46 PM
    “SNS… Apologies for my weakness.”

    No need to apologize. A good Christian would correctly say that God would have us forgive them and tend the needs of them without reservation, and let vengeance be the Lord’s.

    Im afraid thats a bridge too far for me right now, though that may make my thoughts evl in the sight of the Lord.

    I cant help but think it our duty to send them to Judgement by the shortest way possible though.

    …its a bridge too far…

    Or a pier…

  4. Did anyone really expected Shitpants to accomplish something ??

    All the man has ever done is steal and lie, for his entire life. That and molest any child within reach.

  5. This had to be BO’s and Val’s idea not slow Joe’s. Joe just wants to know where the ice cream and little girls are.
    But hey, what do you expect for 320 million?

  6. LOL! What is this? A Biden version of an episode of “Gilligan’s Island” – “Biden/Gilligan builds a pier for Hamas”. A complete disaster from the beginning.

  7. It has long been said that Jackass Joe is a fuckup looking for a place to happen!
    This is simply more proof… Only now it’s to support a mission to fuckup the social, industrial, military and economic fabric of America!

  8. ^^^ ” Val’s ”
    valerie jarrett is an iranian anchor baby

    IIf they are sincere, why don’t they work with Egypt and just drive across the border? This setup was designed to fail.

  9. My dad used to say, in moments of extreme frustration, ‘you could fuck up a wet dream’. Sleepy Joe’s handlers could indeed fuck up a wet dream. And have, the pier being just the latest. Thanks 0bama and ValJar, you’re the…. Ehhh, I can’t say it.

  10. Obama set the US on a glide path to destruction and turned it over to Biden as a figurehead to oversee the unfolding of his perfect scheme.

    But leave it to Joe to fuck things up. He can’t even manage ruination without ruining it.

  11. On the bright side, it has now been demonstrated that that bit of technology doesn’t really work BEFORE we had to rely on it for real work. Hell of a price to pay for a field demonstration.


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