American Flag Called “Holiday Decoration” By HOA – IOTW Report

American Flag Called “Holiday Decoration” By HOA

Some people need a little reeducation, and a jaw realignment.

CNS -Some homeowners in Murray, Utah are being fined for flying the American Flag.

KSTU reports, the HOA of Chestnut Place condominium community informed residents last week to take down the flags.

“I’m not taking it down, that’s one thing I won’t do.” said Erin Worthen, one of the residents asked to remove the flag.

As a result, she was fined $75 and given a notice, which states:

“All exterior decorations must be removed within 10 days following the holiday… Please remove your flag from the common area (Utah Community Association Act. 57-8a-219)”

Worthen said she was shocked at the language on the notice.

“That is not a holiday decoration,” she told KSTU. “People have died for that, it is not a holiday decoration.”


13 Comments on American Flag Called “Holiday Decoration” By HOA

  1. HOAs are way for the “want to be somebody” idiots to control others. I would never live in a community controlled by the whim of others. You should never sign away your constitutional rights to an organization run be people with identity issues. I think of it as big government in a macro form.

  2. I guess the HMO board members don’t like color in their drab beige/brown housing developments. (All of the housing developments in Utah are shades of brown.) Most Mormons are patriotic so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were another 100 flags flying in this housing development tomorrow.

  3. “……big government in macro form……”

    That’s as good a description of my cooperative apartment building’s board of directors/managing agents as I’ve heard. For years I was harangued about a “strong stench of pet urine emanating from (my) apartment;” they even filed against me in Civil Court! It turned out that one of the neighbors was allowing his dog to relieve himself in the hallways!

    Then when I had bedbugs (an event that required me to seek psychiatric intervention, which continues to this day), I had to bag all my possessions in preparation for the extermination. While I was unbagging them, I had to call the super to check a leak in my apartment. Two days later I got a letter which read “It has come to our attention that your apartment is in a state of disarray. Please call the management office to schedule an inspection of your apartment……” I told them the array of my apartment was none of their goddamned business, I would not consent to an inspection, and if they didn’t like it they could take me to Westchester County Civil Court and see how fast the judge would laugh them out of the courtroom.

    I wish I could afford a house.

  4. These clowns are all hung up on colors. When my friend moved into an HOA, the very next day she got a visit from one of their Nazis to let her know that her door was painted a “nonstandard” color. She told him, “Excuse me while I slam my non-standard – colored door in your face.”

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