American Thinker Writer Nails The Essence of the “Modern Socialist Democrat” – IOTW Report

American Thinker Writer Nails The Essence of the “Modern Socialist Democrat”

Really Enraged sent this over, and it is wonderfully written. This is a public depantsing of the left, analyzed, categorized, compartmentalized and stuffed into that drawer that contains one’s big ideas, the ones that you look at and wonder, slightly embarrassed, “what was I thinking?”

It’s just that the left seem to have no shame, no embarrassment, and keep plugging away. That drawer is full, and they are proud because failure is meaningless. As long as they are a leftist cliché they believe they’ve succeeded at being superior beings.


17 Comments on American Thinker Writer Nails The Essence of the “Modern Socialist Democrat”

  1. The arrogance of the Utopian Statist knows absolutely no limits.

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    ― C. S. Lewis

  2. One giant problem: Millions upon millions of Americans believe that “democracy” grants them the right to force the rest of us to accept Socialism.

    How the frack do we reverse that?

    I submit the problem is inherent in our Constitution. I’m 67 and I’ve been saying it since I was 17.

  3. Genetic failure to have genes that promote satisfaction in building for the future, caring about someone other than the self, valuing the individual…etc…The Leftist can only dismantle civilization and with Obama, he actually rid the world of the country of the United States. Watching Americans on the Left denigrate the minds of our founding fathers and replace them in history with projections of them self such as Sacagawea, Obama, any Clinton, Marx etc is watching insanity transform from a fevered mind into the mythologies which build our Culture.

  4. “Our current system of government is totally unsuitable for its task today. A federal structure created to do a very few things has grown to brobdingnagian proportions. Its underpinnings have rotted from lack of care, its ‘participants’ are anything but, and its current self attributed mission statement to control everything down to individual actions will fail.”


    This is why you are seeing what’s going on with national politics today.

  5. Good essay. I would add that Lefties are “borrowers of emotion” in the same way teenagers feign over-the-top excitement and angst. These aren’t genuine heartfelt feelings, but borrowed ones — what they think it looks and sounds like. It’s how they feel alive – for a moment or two. It’s all an act for most of them. Crisis junkies.

  6. Jimmy – great point! I submit the problem is inherent in the the enforcement of our election laws. Voter ID for one, it would be most critical and effective. Yet that’s been left up to the States DMV to solicit and manage. Brilliant choice that’s been,,, Gee if only the dmv could clear real citizens as quickly as their payment

  7. A good start to remedying the situation is to return school control to the local communities instead of relying on the state or even the federal government. Make teachers and school administrators answerable to the local voters – which not-so-incidentally are the taxpayers who fund the schools. Together with this, institute a voucher system so students have a chance to gain education instead of indoctrination.

    Progressives will fight this tooth and nail because their future base will shrink dramatically. They prefer semi-illiterate graduates who believe the horse pucky shoved down their throats for 12 years instead of an educated voting base.

  8. Jimmy: “I submit the problem is inherent in our Constitution.”
    Winston Churchill said in 1947 in the UK House of Commons, “Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

    It ain’t perfect, it ain’t horrible, but it is one of the best government systems on the planet. Let’s not allow the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater.

    My response to people who say pure Democracy is great is, “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner.” In many countries around the world, most men didn’t get the vote until about 20 years before women got the vote too; before then you had to have sufficient assets so that you had to have ‘skin in the game’ before you could decide what the rules of that game were.

  9. People thinking we’re a democracy is also a problem. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing the dinner menu.
    What we are supposed to be, as a wise man once said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”


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