Americans Reject Forced ‘Residential Diversity’ – IOTW Report

Americans Reject Forced ‘Residential Diversity’

86% say government should not play a role in determining where people live.


20 Comments on Americans Reject Forced ‘Residential Diversity’

  1. Certainly their criteria for allocating low income individuals will include areas such as the hamptons and beverly hills based on non discriminatory data.

  2. Certainly their criteria for allocating high income individuals will include areas such as south side of Chicago and Detroit based on non discriminatory data.

  3. Bill Clinton already did this.

    HE FORCED FANNY MAE to give mortgages to minority people who could not afford them, to people who literally did not have a job.

    The federal program of mortgages for poor people was federal pressure on banks to make loans.

    That was the economy crash in 2008. The chickens came home to roost, remember?

  4. oh wait! The NEW plan is for taxpayers to buy houses outright that will be given to the poor.

    No doubt Home Owner Association fees and rules will be called racist, so taxpayers will have to hire illegal aliens to do the yard work.

  5. Oh, I don’t know. When allowed, they pick the prison population pretty well. Plus, they seem to have reversed prejudice there. Lots of blacks per population! Swell and splendid.

    Thing is, though, on a more serious note, I’m sort of hoping this goes through, at least in some areas. If the attack on middle class incomes hasn’t swayed the voting public, then perhaps a little more facetime with the people of color they seem to so love and cherish (from afar) would do them a world of good.

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