An Incredible Photo of Ezekiel, Miscarried at 11 Weeks – IOTW Report

An Incredible Photo of Ezekiel, Miscarried at 11 Weeks

It’s a 2 Kleenex minimum:

This is my hand. Holding my sweet baby, Ezekiel. I delivered him on January 20, 2016. His heart stopped at 11 weeks 2 days. He had a heartbeat. Such a sweet sound. He had life! He was not a blob. He was not just a clump of cells. He was formed. Perfect. Look at the details. His sweet fingers. Toes. I am blessed to be his mother. He lived to show others life!

ezekiel 11 weeks

Please feel free to share his LIFE with others. He’s my sweet little missionary!

His story is here

21 Comments on An Incredible Photo of Ezekiel, Miscarried at 11 Weeks

  1. We have six months gestation grandson living in Our Lord. The most heart wrenching thing to see was our son carrying the tiny casket to the grave. I wouldn’t leave until I saw his little casket lowered into the ground. The funeral director kept looking at me, and came over and asked me if I wanted to hold the casket. I did. And now I am crying.

  2. My little Job was just past 12 weeks, when we lost him. That was 40 years ago. I still cry and pray for him.

    The saying, ‘Only the good die young’, comfortrd me, somewhat. I think that perhaps some of us are finished with this life sooner than others. Job must have been a very old soul and ready for the next stage.

    But the missing is the hard part. Now I have a picture of him. Thank you.

  3. As the grandfather of a 3 week old baby girl and another one on the way next April I feel your pain. My daughter just told me last Saturday that she’s pregnant. I pray for my 2nd unborn grandchild already that all will be well and that he or she will be born healthy and happy. I’m very sorry for your loss, may God bless you and your family.

  4. “Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”


    Be at peace; all our departed young are. Take comfort in that.

    Their murderers, on the other hand, lest they repent, can expect nothing but wrath, indignation, judgment and condemnation. I take great comfort in that, too, because the same Judge who holds the little ones shall do right in ***ALL*** things.

    Who will speak up for the little ones? Even if no one else did, God will. Never doubt that. Bet the farm on it.

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