“And never forget that the only thing stopping this from happening is the RNC.” – IOTW Report

“And never forget that the only thing stopping this from happening is the RNC.”


CFP: Within a few weeks from now, Barack and Michelle Obama will appear ‘live’ on their very own Christmas card,assuring a peaceful Christmas-seeking world how, down at heart,  they really love the U.S., God, and particularly the now all-but-depleted armed forces.

It’s called canned streaming, and with today’s technology anybody can do it.

Breitbart’s savvy editor at large John Nolte’s version of streaming is one that could save America from a Hillary Clinton presidency that in reality is Obama’s coveted 3rd term in office…

“Rent a studio, invite moderators who are interested in the issues that matter to Republican primary voters, hire a decent director and production team, sell ads to cover the costs and boost your coffers, and stream it over the Internet.

“Please tell me what the downside is?


9 Comments on “And never forget that the only thing stopping this from happening is the RNC.”

  1. I’m sure it will be a Holiday Card. Non secular. Probably have Jihadi Johhny whacking some guys head off while Barry’s whacking some guy off and Moose ate the holiday tree. It’ll be a smash hit. Fuck them.

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