And They Weren’t Even in the $hithole Half of the Island – IOTW Report

And They Weren’t Even in the $hithole Half of the Island

Haiti shares an island with the high falutin’ Dominican Republic, the better half according to prevailing wisdom.

It still caused an Ontario couple to contract parasites in their feet after a stroll on the beach.

Via Katie Stephens’  Facebook

After her explanation of what happened, here was the insult to injury-

Also, to top it off health Canada denied our request to receive the medicine (ivermectin) we needed to treat our infection and were forced to get medicine from the states. Thank you Canada for your lovely health care you provide for us!

More at Fox.


18 Comments on And They Weren’t Even in the $hithole Half of the Island

  1. If you travel, research it you fucking morons. We wear reasonable beach shoes all the time here.

    Classic window licker socialist tards. Enjoy your Trudeau care! Hah!

  2. mmmm, i want me some strange fungus…

    i want it so bad that i will in fact PAY for the privilege of being able to share in your $hithole-fungal-factory that I can then bring back into my home country and get some decent street-cred for my suffering!

  3. I just got back from Punta Cana. I was invited on a customer trip.
    Couldn’t wait to get back home. Food sucked, cant drink water, had to brush teeth with bottle water. Once you left the resort it was a 3rd world shithole. Haiti is a 4th world shithole.

  4. I bet that beach foot virus was left off the travel brochure !

    what would you expect when you travel to the third world ?

    go on and keep bringing these third world refugees here so we can all have the same thing. equality at last.

  5. Well, they make good cigars, at any rate.

    Nicaraguans have improved greatly in the past decade, or so, but in the old days a Dominican was the best on the market – you simply couldn’t go wrong with any one you chose. Maybe the fungus and worms burn off as it’s smoked … I don’t know.

    izlamo delenda est …

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