Andrea Mitchell Wants To Keep Riffraff Out of Her Ritzy DC Neighborhood – IOTW Report

Andrea Mitchell Wants To Keep Riffraff Out of Her Ritzy DC Neighborhood


Yet another NBC journalist is fighting to prevent the unwashed masses from befouling the sanctity of their ritzy Washington, D.C., neighborhood. Longtime host Andrea Mitchell is among the wealthy homeowners on Chain Bridge Road NW—described as “one of Washington’s most exclusive and prestigious streets”—who are aggressively opposing measures to allow greater access to unsavory drivers and pedestrians.

Washington City Paper reports that the “quintessentially D.C. dispute” dates back to at least 2009, when residents of the wealthy neighborhood successfully pushed back against city plans to build sidewalks for pedestrians in the interest of public safety. Opponents complained that doing so would make the posh neighborhood feel more “urban,” a racist euphemism for “not white.”

In recent weeks the D.C. Department of Transportation has taken steps to close the road to through traffic, a move some critics view as a blatant example of government officials protecting the interests of wealthy homeowners to the detriment of the greater public.

Mitchell got involved in 2021 when the local neighborhood commissioners once again raised the issue of building sidewalks. The journalist was horrified at the thought. “These are homes that were originally built during the Civil War. Mine was built in 1865, as was my next-door neighbor’s, as farm houses by freed slaves,” she said at a meeting last September. “This is a historic community.” more

24 Comments on Andrea Mitchell Wants To Keep Riffraff Out of Her Ritzy DC Neighborhood

  1. Well, if a hypocritical racist Nazi can’t protect the exclusivity of her white neighborhood, then what’s the point of being a hypocritical racist Nazi?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Andrea Mitchell Wants To Keep Riffraff Out of Her Ritzy DC Neighborhood”

    But not the ones who scrubs her toilets, vacuums , and changes the sheets on her bed, mow and blow. Welcome to Amerika all you toilet scrubbers and sheet changers, your slave master will take care of you. Learn English please!

  3. Calling the Occupy Hamptons protesters – here is a new area for you to target.
    Funny thing, those protestors had several arrests. They don’t let you mess around in their enclaves.

  4. ^^^ ““This is a historic community.” ”
    if is historic, they should build sidewalks, so people can walk around safely and take pictures and such as they learn about and enjoy their heritage.
    rename that area the ‘forbidden city’ and put in a new bus stop to make it easier for the historians to access.

  5. Too bad. She’s one of the reasons we have so many homeless drug addicted bums. Fill her neighborhood full of the kind of people she supports. I’m tired of liberals ideas at others expense.

  6. I don’t like her one bit. She had a look of pure disdain on her face once when she was looking at Sarah Palin.

    I think Mitchell looks like an Afghan Hound – so I call her the Afghan Hound of news hounds.

    She’s like the phony Malibu liberals we have out here in California, such as Barbara Streisand, another dog face.

  7. AnonTrooper August 11, 2022 at 9:15 am

    It’ll still be “a historic community.” With sidewalks.

    Just like home in Meehico. 5 fatherless children selling Chiclets, and their mother with another one in the oven. Park them all in front of all the liberals homes. Give’em a sign that says “be careful what you wish for.”

  8. Childless Andrea Mitchell (~75) and her current husband, Alan Greenspan (~96) live in and ~2450 ft^2 house at 2710 Chain Bridge Rd NW, Washington, DC, 20016 in a house originally built in 1894 which has no garage and less than a ten foot setback from the road. Andrea is likes to wear tugger tops whilst parading about on her no-no-genarian’s arm.
    Andrea can be found on Tinder, Pornhub, and OnlyFans.

  9. “These are homes that were originally built during the Civil War. Mine was built in 1865, as was my next-door neighbor’s, as farm houses by freed slaves,”

    …slaves that were held by the Democrats that you love so much, and freed only at the point of a sword by the Republicans you hate so much…


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