Andrew C. McCarthy Says Conservative Pundits Are Barking Up the Wrong Tree in Regards To Obama Lying About Investigation Interference – IOTW Report

Andrew C. McCarthy Says Conservative Pundits Are Barking Up the Wrong Tree in Regards To Obama Lying About Investigation Interference

McCarthy’s been shouting from the rooftops since the Mueller investigation began that it’s not a criminal investigation, that it’s a counter-intelligence investigation, which renders it immune from “interference” by a president. Counter-intelligence investigators are supposed to brief the president, that’s what the probe is for. So Obama did nothing wrong, even when he lied to Chris Wallace and said he didn’t interfere, politically, with any investigation the DOJ conducted during his administration. (I’m surprised the roof didn’t fall in and the curtains set fire.)

So McCarthy’s advice is to back off on all the claims of treason towards Obama and just relish in the thought that the left has absolutely nothing on Trump with obstruction of justice claims. It’s simply impossible because Trump is in charge of any counter-intelligence investigation. He could order the probe closed with no criminal repercussions, just as Obama enjoyed the same executive privilege.


9 Comments on Andrew C. McCarthy Says Conservative Pundits Are Barking Up the Wrong Tree in Regards To Obama Lying About Investigation Interference

  1. WTH?? McCarthy, can cite the legality of a president’s oversight authority in cointel investigations. He can even provide cover for obama’s lies. But to conflate obama v Pres Trump ”s executive authorities is a bridge too far. Major difference, Trump is the target, obama is the terrorist.

    To suggest Trump could shut down the Mueller investigation and just “take the political heat” is laughable. Further, to suggest the FBI acted in “good faith”, believing Steeles’ dossier credible is just asinine.

    I distinctly recall, after Comey exonerated HRC, McCarthy on Ingraham’s radio program said Comey was a long time friend, who was brilliant & of superior moral integrity. Until I hear McCarthy’s mea culpa, I question his judgment & motives.

  2. Tom, that “temple” was for his nomination. He wasn’t even Preezy yet! What a pampered, gold-plated life that loser lives. There is no justice here on earth. But at least there is Trump.

  3. McCarthy fails to acknowledge that what is considered right and proper for a left wing liar is proof of guilt and conspiracy for a patriot when the left controls the media, academe and the Deep State.

  4. McCarthy has been sniffing Jonah Goldberg’s butt a bit too much recently. Hopefully, he’ll come to his senses and leave NRO…before he’s Derbyshire-ed.

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