Angela Merkel calling for more Muslim migrants – IOTW Report

Angela Merkel calling for more Muslim migrants

Jihad Watch: Angela Merkel wants more migrants. “Echoing her ‘wir schaffen das’ [‘we can do this’] mantra from the beginning of the migrant crisis,” Merkel is pushing for the EU to take in 40 thousand more migrants.


…The plans would also expand the countries from which asylum seekers would be accepted.

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27 Comments on Angela Merkel calling for more Muslim migrants

  1. Is she phukkin crazy? They’re destroying Germany, all of Europe, and Western civilization. Can she not see what’s right in front of her? Or is the German media as bad as ours and she believes what she sees in the paper?

  2. Jack Nicholson Quote
    Where did they teach you to talk like that, in some Panama City “Sailor wanna hump-hump” bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.

  3. What we call The Left has one prime directive – destroy whatever is. The present can never live up to their expectations. It has disappointed them and for that unforgivable offense, must be annihilated. Whatever remains when they are done becomes the new present and it all starts again.

  4. Looks like the Germans have elected a communist plant as their chancellor. She is destroying Germany and the EU so that Russia will easily plow through on their way to the oil, etc.
    Maybe it’s not quite like that but it will end like that. I hope the EU isn’t counting on us to save them. By then we will have a full blown civil war to deal with.

  5. Angela came from and was taught in East Germany before the wall came down. A soviet ideology isn’t far fetched at all.
    Same Saul Alinsky methods, just as the progressive socialists/communists in the US are using, create division, over load the system and create chaos.

  6. It’s just possible that the German military at some point will move on her, her party, the Greens and every other left wing idiot who has had a hand in running the country into the ground. The same thing may just happen in France if the migrant problem gets any larger. Of course they’ll be called Nazis, fascists, republicans but neither military would give a crap about outside chittering but would just clean out the mess and give both countries back their self respect.

  7. Europe is lost- it is now a middle east nation. as you all have said in here many times-lock and load, stand your ground and prepare to defend your freedoms. Keep your powder dry and put your trust in GOD. Fly that flag>don’t tread on me…

  8. Billy: “She can’t hate Germany that much.” There is a video of her on a stage receiving a miniature German flag which she quickly disgarded in disgust. Sort of like Mosechel’s treatment of Old Glory.

  9. She speaks for the European Union, they want all of Europe to have just one throat to wrap their hands around, and they’re just about there.

    Just so you know, we’re not interested in any more migrants.

  10. I read Umberto Eco’s Foucault’s Pendulum and Behold a pale horse by William Cooper once a year.
    This leavens my thinking.
    And I think there really is a secret society that fuels the bringing down of America.
    Because, screw it, they have remote bunkers to wait it out.
    They offered Merkel and her family a spot to throw Europe to the savages.
    Just like Gore and Hilary
    After the chaff (us) are killed off, they can roll around without all that great unwashed populous grabbing at the resources.

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