Ann Coulter: Lindsey Graham, the Uninvited Guest – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter: Lindsey Graham, the Uninvited Guest

Breitbart: Why does Sen. Lindsey Graham have a seat at the table on immigration? Are Jorge Ramos and Vicente Fox unavailable?

Graham’s claim to fame is: 1) having twice negotiated a voluntary surrender for the GOP on immigration; and 2) winning 0.00 percent of the vote when he ran for president two years ago.

You could run for president on the platform that we should kill babies and eat them, and you’d get more votes than Lindsey Graham. Who designated this most remote of back-benchers, thoroughly rejected by the American people, as the principal negotiator on Trump’s central campaign promise?

Graham’s thought process seems to be: We had an election, I ran for president; literally no one voted for me, so my views should prevail over the guy who won an Electoral College landslide.

How about getting Dennis Kucinich in there? Has anyone asked Martin O’Malley for help in the “DACA” negotiations? MORE

11 Comments on Ann Coulter: Lindsey Graham, the Uninvited Guest

  1. Hey, cut the guy some slack he is in mourning for his favorite girlfriend who has brain cancer and can no longer meet him in the dark recesses of the Senate cloakroom for a quickie!!

  2. I love Ann’s hyperbolic writing style.
    In this case, I suspect this is *with* the concurrence of both GOPe and Trump.

    So, g’ahead, *let* Miss Lindsey make a deal…
    …then let Trump REJECT it.

  3. After the win on the Shutdown and the opinion polls that show the Dems losing ground almost everywhere Trump has enormous power in DC. Maybe he should use some by having a conversation with the head of the GOP, the Senate Majority leader and the head of the SC GOP about the future of Graham. While the Majority leader isn’t a friend of Trump’s I’ll bet he recognises power when he sees it and would likely throw in with Trump on removing Graham from his committee chairs and all three would likely endorse his retirement. This gives SC a chance to elect a younger, more charismatic and committed conservative and remove a blemish from the Senate. If Graham were smart and offered a chance to retire as a GOP elder statesman he’d take it in a second.

  4. @MJA, yeah, I have never met a single person who votes for Lindsay, even the blacks know he is queer, not that there is anything wrong with that.
    I am sorry, we will try harder, you guys let me know when you elect a Republican senator who just happens to be black, a female governor who just happens to be brown and is now the UN ambassador, eh?

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