Annotated Version Of Obama’s American University Speech On Iran – IOTW Report

Annotated Version Of Obama’s American University Speech On Iran

(Facts and Snark Added)

TheLid- President Obama returned to American University in Washington, D.C. to deliver a speech designed to rally his Democratic Party base to support the P5+1 agreement with Iran and prevent a veto-proof vote in congress to nix the deal. The address long 6,270 words and took an hour to deliver and contained a slew of inaccuracies, misstatements, and out and out lies.

Rather than delay the inevitable, below is a transcript of Obama’s words annotated with corrections and other comments from yours truly.  As is “The Lid” tradition, the Potus’ words appear in black and my comments in red.

Warning-the comments are the opinion of the author only and do not necessarily reflect that of management (my wife). Also they may (okay the do) contain snark-you have been warned. 




8 Comments on Annotated Version Of Obama’s American University Speech On Iran

  1. Hitler’s Big Lie is alive and well! Like the originator of The Big Lie, he chose to harangue his audience for an hour, confusing things even more. No word on whether they had an “applause sign” and/or had seeded the crowd with sycophants who sprang to their feet and shouted “Heil 0bama!”

    On a side note concerning the artwork, “Obama in Rat Droppings”, what a waste of perfectly good rat turds.

  2. It’s all about the tactics. If you have ever had the misfortune of arguing with a Prog you recognize it here – flood the zone with dozens of vague and debatable claims. Since there is no way to coherently respond to any but a couple the rest are left to stand as if seemingly true. Then take one of the responses and make a dozen more wild and irrelevant claims. Repeat as necessary. Discussing in good faith is not even considered an option by them.

  3. Obama’s idea of “diplomacy” is known by most people as “fellatio”. Dropping to your knees just to say you made a deal isn’t diplomacy, Mr. President. You can’t deal with foreign leaders the same way you deal with Larry Sinclair or Reggie Love.

  4. Arguing with a Progressocrat is like playing chess with a pigeon. They will knock over the pieces, sh!t on the board and then strut around like they won, or something.

  5. But he must intersperse the Ums with the word ‘Republicans’ every so often–THAT seems to change his facial expression, making him look like the ‘all-knowing’ pr*ck he is.

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