Another Walmart Rant – IOTW Report

Another Walmart Rant

I had a Walmart story back in October of last year where I managed to avoid being jumped by a pack of illegals.

Reader “LR” just sent this in:

Just came back from my local Wal-Mart.  I asked an employee for help.  He looked at me with such bewilderment I thought perhaps he was deaf.  Finally, he responded in Spanish: No hablo Ingles.

I gave management an earful.

Amazon will be getting even more of my business.

I can remember being outraged that they’d put giant signs in the aisles in Spanish for the “dreamers,” never at all imagining the slippery slope (denial, I know.)

Here we are now. The signs are not only in Spanish, the employees “are in” Spanish.

This is not the great melting pot. This is countries within countries.

Exit question.

Is there a Walmart out there that hasn’t managed to turn the area into a “sketchy” one?

22 Comments on Another Walmart Rant

  1. They are all dumps. Some are better dumps than others… but they are all seething shitholes. I used to go to Target to stay away from the 700 pound motorized Dorito huffers… but I can’t even go there anymore.

  2. The Walmart in my area is probably the most “enriched” place in town; a fair number of Spanish speakers, but no signs in Spanish… yet. Home Depot, on the other hand, has long pissed me off with their bilingual accommodation bullsh*t. There’s no REAL need for Spanish signage in these parts, but HD shoves it down our gringo throats, anyway.

  3. No, they are not all dumps. The Walmart in Osprey, Florida is very nice, in a very well-to-do section between Venice and Sarasota. A half mile up the road is The Oaks, a high-end retirement center built around The Oaks Club

    The store is well-staffed by neat, clean, and helpful employees. I shop there frequently with my mother. She’s 96 years old and, as is common among old genteel ladies, is VERY picky where she goes because she doesn’t in fact GO many places any more. Going to that Walmart is something she looks forward to doing once or twice a month.

  4. I used to shop at Walmart, but complained about few checkout lanes open. So, what did they do? installed self checkout lanes (which I hate) and left only ONE regular register open.
    So, off to Kroger’s I go. The staff is first-name friendly and the prices are better when you include their fuel points savings.
    Also, soon after Mrs. M died, one of the clerks in Kroger’s said, “You look sad”. So I told her my wife had recently died. She took my hands and asked if she could pray with me. I’m not much of a religious person, but I’ve never turned down a prayer for me or Mrs. M. And by the way, Kroger’s is okay with that (I checked).

  5. I work in a jurisdiction that is majority-Hispanic. My surname sounds Spanish but is actually Eastern European. All day long people come up to me babbling away in Spanish. I just look at them like they have two heads.

    The light bulb finally went on in the head of this one Mexican bitch. “Joo no spic Spaneesh?” she said to me. It was all I could do not to slap her and say, “Joo no spic Eeengleesh?”

    How dare she come to MY country and expect to be accommodated in HER language?

  6. no espanol signs in either of my towns super wallys. Clean. Courteous employees.

    Lowes signs are in mexican here. I walked into a bathroom and was surprised to find a sign “OUT OF ORDER” above a urinal. I didnt use it, but then i can read english. Asked an employee why it wasnt in Mexican too.

    got a weird grin.

  7. Week before last, I went to cavort in the wide open spaces of Big Bend National Park. While there, I decided to visit the sleepy village of Boquillas, Mexico. You basically walk down to the Rio Grande and you can either wade across the river, as it is only eighteen inches deep or you can take the “water taxi” which is a Mexican guy in an aluminum boat. No drug cartels there, just Mexican people trying to scratch out a living off the gringos who arrive in their village to have a beer and some good Mexican food. Those people are so friendly and eager to show off their village which only recently got electricity. I felt safer there than my closest WalMart. When I do have to go there, I am heavily armed, so if feral yoots dare to confront me, they will be looking down the barrel of a 1911.

  8. Now to really mess with your minds. I attend a balloon event in Leon, Mexico every November. There is a Walmart across from our 4 star hotel. It is the neatest most well run Walmart I have ever seen. It has a phenomenal bakery. They sell small motorcycles. There are a couple guys outside guiding cars to available parking spots and backing out. The shoppers are very well dressed. All the registers are open. The staff is very helpful. Were I a manager at Wally World I would get my butt down to Leon to see how a well run store operates.

  9. Ohio Dan, That actually makes perfect sense. Sam Walton and Bill Clinton have been trying to ship that little slice of commerce out of our country for some time now. I haven’t stepped foot in a Wallyworld since the day Clinton awarded China most favored trading pardner status and never will.

  10. “Amazon will be getting even more of my money.”
    Better read up on how Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is a big Democrat funder who is using his Washington Post as a propaganda tool to hammer Republicans (and now Trump in particular).

  11. Our local walmart is always packed with people, unless you shop at 3:00 a.m.. It’s the only place in town where you can get anything you want, from lawn mower blades to toilet paper. And it only closes on Christmas day, open 24/7.

    It started out as a very nice place to shop a few decades ago. Californians and other libtard types moving into the area have changed that. And recently they have hired some affirmative action employees to work in the photo department who don’t know their ass from a crack pipe. Used to get great service there. WTF?

    If you have a lot of Mexicans in your area, you are going to have a lot of them shopping at walmart because they will always go where they can get the best deal.

    As for the Spanish language signs — the more welcome we make the illegals feel here, the more trodden and broken down our borders become. Our signs here are still in English, thankfully.

  12. The new Walmarts in Pinellas County, Florida are in good locations (they seem to have taken the Starbucks real estate folks under their wing).

  13. One world government, one world economic system, one world religion…all foretold to set the stage for Antichrist, whose mark some of you will accept. So a move to return to one world language should not be surprising; it would put man right back where he committed his most organized affront against God to date (Babel).

  14. The WalMart where I live is very nice, clean, and staffed with the same folks for years. I even worked a Christmas seasonal there a few years back. The managers took any chicken that was to go ‘past time’ and such, and laid it out in the break room for the employees, who get very generous break times. They even took a dented grill and marked out burgers out back once and fed us all. Very cool environment!

    Must be a store-to-store issue. We got a few Spanish speaker customers, but only on certain days, if you get my drift… Knowing a smattering helped.

  15. The walmarts out in the corn and bean fields aren’t too bad. My local one is alright, I only go there for dry goods and ammunition.

    However, reading the local blotter, there’s always someone getting arrested at walmart, kohls, target, etc. for shoplifting. I always laugh, because even if I was broke, I can’t think of a single thing these places sell that’s worth dealing with the law.

  16. Dadof4! I didn’t carry in Mexico. I was talking about going into my local WalMart. I know a guy who spent two years in Mexican prison and lost everything he had because they found a few .22 bullets under his back seat. I guess I could have worded my post more clearly!

  17. Escuche e repite, por favor:

    “Yo te apuesto que yo te puedo rosquearse e voltearse mas recio que tu me puedes rodarme y soplarme”

    A guaranteed fight starter from my misspent yoot. Can be deployed when the “help” no speeka da ingles. Be ready to kick ass.

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