AOC, BLM silent in wake of tragic shooting that killed 10-year-old Queens boy – IOTW Report

AOC, BLM silent in wake of tragic shooting that killed 10-year-old Queens boy


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Black Lives Matter have been silent following the shooting death of a young boy in Queens.

On Saturday, Queens came to a standstill after Justin Wallace, 10, was tragically killed by a gunman who opened fire at his aunt’s home in Far Rockaway around 9:30 p.m., police and the New York Post reported.

One of the gunman’s shots struck Wallace in the chest, mortally wounding the child who passed away from his injuries at an area hospital. Police are reportedly looking into a neighbor dispute over a driveway as a potential motive. more

11 Comments on AOC, BLM silent in wake of tragic shooting that killed 10-year-old Queens boy

  1. Bet there’s no mention in the MSM of the imported 23 year old feral tweaker in Fargo ND who stabbed a 14 year old native American girl to death a few days ago either….Thanks for the extra savages, lutheran assholes. Oh and, he was out on bail on a violent felon in possession charge too. Seems like it might be comin’ time to hold THOSE sumbitches accountable for their role in releasing predators into our midst while simultaneously salivating at the chance to prosecute us if we’re forced by THEIR ACTIONS to defend ourselves. Hmmmm?

  2. Business as usual, meanwhile how many vile despicables refused or just ain’t getting the community immunity vaccine?

    How many more lies can Ka-mala (superheroine) tell south of the border?

  3. ML, thank you. Now I’m mad.

    “The prosecutor told Irby the victim was at the wrong place at the wrong time”

    BULLSHIT. This is a subtle form of blame the victim.

    The Left has caused criminals to feel free to prey on whomever they want, with the revolving door of no real consequences.


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