Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End for Fox News? – IOTW Report

Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End for Fox News?

RedState: What’s going to happen to Fox News?

After the election, it seems that conservatives and Republicans are gradually looking elsewhere for their news and commentary. But it isn’t just right-leaning consumers of content that are pivoting, the individuals who appear on these networks seem to be noticing the shift.

The Hill recently reported that GOP lawmakers are appearing more frequently on Newsmax than they have in the past. Indeed, Fox News was virtually the only conservative news outlet on which Republican leaders appeared up until recently.

“As President Trump openly feuds with Fox News, conservative lawmakers and loyal Trump officials have increasingly added Newsmax to their rotation of media stops, giving a sheen of credibility to the fledgling network as it seeks to compete for conservative viewers,” according to The Hill.

Newsmax is not yet rivaling Fox in terms of ratings, but it seems feasible that the outlet could close the gap in the next few years. GOP lawmakers told The Hill that the rise in popularity for Newsmax and other right-leaning news organizations has enticed them to appear more frequently on these alternative networks.

Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) stated that Trump’s feud with Fox contributed to his decision to look at smaller outlets. The Hill noted, “asked whether Trump’s criticism of Fox News is a factor for the small segment of Republicans considering the alternative networks, Harris replied: ‘It is for me.’” more

25 Comments on Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End for Fox News?

  1. I gave up on Fox 11.8 years ago! They were clearly far left GOPe! They fabricated a bogus poll saying 90% of Americans were in favor of RomneyCare and conservatives were breeding hate and wasting money to put it on the ballot in KS. 13 months later WHEN REAL AMERICANS voted RomneyCare was DOWN voted by 75%! Better than 3 out of 4 REAL AMERICANS said RomneyCare was bad!

    Of course GWB and McC (remember his attack on Ted – “WACO BIRDS!”!) Pushed Romney/care hard. Fox was , and is, at best far left, liberal GOP.

    Chris loved the liberal Bush and hated Ronny when he ran “Meet The Press” decades ago. Attacked Ronny with FAKE NEWS. Praised Bush the same way.
    Chris at least admits he loves GWB because he is a Dem.

  2. I have never found them to be particularly hostile to the Marxist/Progressives. At a time in the past they impressed me as fairly centrist. In that regard it is a loss, but once an institution has morphed into just another leftist propaganda mill it is superfluous to anyone’s needs and the loss is only academic.

    I didn’t have a television until a couple years ago and only saw television at my mother’s house. Now I have a television, I get broadcast and not FOX cable programming. Even what little I see suggests to me that FOX is no longer anything unique in the cable news world.

    As for the personalities, I have never been one to give a flying F about celebrities any more than the rest of humanity. Same with artists, the only mourning I do when one passes is over the loss of entertainment. I know less than nothing of their personal lives and what I do “know” has been put out specifically to manipulate my emotions. In that regard I make it a point to feel no personal connection to them. Same with politicians.

  3. The ‘news’ on FOX will devolve into the reality show it’s been for a time.

    Watch for the pixelated promos showing that on every episode Bill Barr drops his soap in the house shower and Juan Williams, Chris Wallace and Donna Brazile take turns delivering it for him.

  4. It’s not Pres. Trump’s feud with Fox that has us tuning out.
    It’s their left leaning moves and their swamp sucking attitude.
    By the way, Greg Kelly on Newsmax beat out Fox in his time slot a couple of weeks ago.

  5. Dropped Hulu Live after the election-which we had primarily for FoxNews and local channels. Now, Pluto TV has NewsMax and OANN for free along with a lot of nostalgia TV that is a pleasant distraction from the crazy women BIPOC empowerment shows on every other channel.

  6. This morning my youngest Manderin asked me, “Daddy? How come you no longer watch FOX News?” I said, “BECAUSE THEY STABBED PRESIDENT TRUMP IN THE BACK ON ELECTION NIGHT!” LOL!

  7. I can see that Fox News needs opposing viewpoints to make their reporting interesting, but I have had a distaste for the likes of Austan Goolsbee for a long time. Adding Juan Williams low IQ comments adds nothing to “The Five” and lastly, Donna Brazille makes me nauseous! There must be a little professionalism left there. Tucker Carlson and the evening crew can’t carry the network forever…..

  8. A mistake people on the right make is going left usually for popularity. Think Mitts Romney… The American left will never accept a prominent person who has expressed any anti leftist sentiments. To the left this makes the person a traitor and regardless of anything else a traitor can never be trusted. It’s because of the ideology, the belief system the left has. It isn’t reasoned, but emoted. Leftism is really a religious belief lacking a godhead. On the right we accept people whose views have changed, we look at it as ‘Hey! You finally woke up! Congratulations on rejoining the living!’ Because our structures are reasoned we don’t see the people who come to reason as traitors to the left, just people who have gotten their shit together.


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