Are you a food mixer? – IOTW Report

Are you a food mixer?

Found on the internet. h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.


I put ketchup on my burrito,  Basil in my lemonade, fries inside my burger and I sometimes put spicy salsa in my spaghetti sauce.

73 Comments on Are you a food mixer?

  1. Finely chopped raw spinach into bone broth or giblets and broth. Had that this evening.

    But I eat “funny.” Seaweed noodles with browned hamburger, a smidge of tomato sauce, Italian spices and Asiago cheese anyone?

  2. Peanut butter and onion sandwiches.
    Sliced Radish, bread and butter sandwich with a little salt.
    Peanut butter spread on a banana with a little salt.
    Bread and butter with sugar liberally applied.

  3. Balsamic reduction on vanilla ice cream
    Fresh Basil leaves on vanilla bean ice cream
    I like cream gravy on salad..
    Cream gravy on eggs.
    Wasabi, hot mustard, and chili paste for dipping sushi
    Garlic cream gravy

  4. DH used to get grilled cheese with onion sandwiches at the Triple XXX on Fridays when he was at Purdue. Gross.

    We were there last fall, but he didn’t get one. Must have lost his taste for them.

  5. Ruffles on a cheeseburger, and I nearly had a friend from New York want to hit me for putting peanut butter on a toasted bagel. He is not even Jewish and he’s telling me how to eat a bagel.

  6. Catsup to dip my grilled cheese into. Trick I learned from an old gal who’s lawn I used to take care of (sadly she’s no longer with us). I think of her fondly when I eat it.

  7. I’m a passionate foodie, so I could have a lot of fun with this one!

    Add a pinch or three of garlic powder to any tomato drink. This sounds like common sense to me, yet skeeves out anyone I tell this to for some reason.

    Mince sundried tomatoes with any green. Parsley, scallion, basil… whatever you want. Rough mince, not blend. Find a ratio that works for you. Add it as a spread to any sandwich. For some reason, lots of people think sundried tomatoes are grody until they try this. It’s like a marriage of ketchup and salad only way more awesome.

    Spread peanut butter into a celery rib. Yum!

    Hollow out a cucumber and fill the center with peanut butter. Cut it into slices like sushi. Yum!

    Do one of the above two, but add a slice of bacon before applying the peanut butter. Yum!

    French fries with gravy on the side is nice. Grab a fry and dip it into the gravy before each bite. Do not slather the gravy onto the whole lot before eating. This maximizes the deep fried crunch coupled with that gravy goodness.

    Something I loved as a kid and grew out of was scooping ridged or ruffled potato chips into buttered corn kernels like salsa. Sometimes I’d even include that hotdog-mustard relish mix. Every now and then, I do it again these days just for fun. Okay, I do it more often than that, which is to say all the time.

  8. Plain Jane sounds like a keto eater.

    I love sweet corn mixed in my mashed potatoes topped with butter, lots of salt and pepper. Low carb diet has eliminated that :/

    Growing up, Mom made peanut butter and mayo on white bread. Weird but tasty

  9. plain jane,i love grilled cheese with onion. mom made it when i was a kid.

    pork rinds go great with french onion dip.
    brown gravy poured over an omelet.
    pretzels and cream cheese.
    here’s a good one, cut up oranges and kalamata olives. put em in a bowl and salt and pepper to taste.

  10. Malt Vinegar on french fries. Picked up the habit in Canada. Immortal fish describes Pountine pretty much minus the cheese curds with the gravy and fries. Another Canadian treat.

  11. @Immortal Fish – you mention the combo of bacon and peanut butter. That’s a favorite sandwich of mine, especially on a buttered English muffin, especially especially if it’s a Thomas’s corn muffin.

    I’ll also chime in with the peanut butter and banana combo. I like that in a sandwich on seeded rye bread.

    Mrs. Uncle adds a jar of chunky salsa to her pasta sauce and it’s terrifically good!

  12. My Grandma used to make homade doughnuts (no holes) and spread peanut butter on top while still warm. After they cooled she would enject jelly. I used to eat them like candy. But I HATE jelly doughnuts.

  13. Peanut Butter and bacon sandwiches on rye.
    Cream Cheese and Salami (on rye) I love rye…with caraway!
    I cook a lot. Try this:
    4 lbs Country Ribs… Salt, pepper and Garlic powder them. (Boneless works great if on sale).
    Put them in an oven safe container (I use a cast iron skillet)
    Add 1 cup each OJ, Coke and Milk (yes, milk. I prefer Whole)
    Bake at 350 for 2 hours turning occasionally. When ready to serve baste with pan sauce and broil until caramelized. Serve on flour or corn tortillas with green salsa, avocado, jalapeno, cilantro and crumbled Cojito Cheese.

  14. Vinegar on fries?
    That’s a beach thing here in Maryland. There was/is a place on the boardwalk in Ocean City MD called Thrashers. That was their specialty – fresh cut potato strips deep fried in peanut oil and then splashed with vinegar. YUUUUUUMMMMM.

  15. I cannot tolerate the taste of erytherol or stevia. I tried small amounts of the stuff in coconut flour cookies and gagged. Threw them out.

    Found Yacon syrup. Has less than 4 grams of carbs per teaspoon, is extremely sweet, tasts a bit like molasses, and is actually a pre-biotic. Two tablespoons has less than 24 grams of carbs and palatably sweetens an entire batch of coconut flour cookies.

    If anyone tries Yacon syrup, transfer it to a jar that you can stir with a spoon, because it settles and can be difficult to mix in the bottle it comes in.

  16. Different Tim – Malt Vinegar (salt optional) on anything deep fried is a default unless otherwise specified here in New England. The gravy is what makes me weird over here!

    loshonhora – cut up oranges and kalamata olives. Thanks to your recommend, I’m trying this over the weekend. No idea what kalamata olives are, but I’ll find out, or substitute with regular green olives or capers or both. Chopped, most likely. I’ll prolly also add shelled sunflower seeds to the mix and try my best to resist eating the whole mess by the tablespoon.

    Uncle Al – You described the classic balance of flavor composition necessary in every recipe. Every good dish seeks to achieve it. The formula is simple: you want bitter and sweet or salty and sweet, both in equal parts. Peanut butter is an awesome switch hitter. Paired with bacon, it is sweet. Paired with banana, it is salty.

  17. I put peanut butter on grilled cheese sandwiches, along with Cains Mayo. I put the same combo on pizza too. When we go to a buffet, (not too often) I use at least 3 kinds of salad dressing.

  18. Hey MJA, you should expand on this thought to recipes. I bet we have a bunch of chef-du-jour’s here that have some recipes worth bragging about. I know of at least a couple of us that think we know what we are doing.

  19. Malt vinegar on French fries and hard boiled eggs.
    Potato chips on sandwiches (especially PB&J and egg salad). I’m happy to see I’m not the only one who does this!
    Dip my French fries into my Wendy’s Frosty…and I butter the backs of Pop Tarts.

    Yes, I sometimes eat like a child.

  20. Peperoncinis over potato sticks, the brine soaks & works well on the sticks, a variation of salt and vinegar chips I suppose.
    When the wife was living, we had a crazy cat named spaz that loved to sit up and beg for em.

  21. Hey Eternal, I’m still a little unsure of what you said there, but I looked back at the video from a comment you posted just before that, and it was funny as heck. I tried on my comment, but maybe no one got past peanut butter.

  22. “Ants on a log” celery filled with peanut butter with raisins on top. My little sister was a brownie back in the 60’s when they were still sane and they made them, still like them.
    Grilled cheese with velveeta and ketchup
    Fried spam with yellow mustard
    Potato chips in a tuna sandwich for the crunch.
    Crushed up Oreos with coke poured on top
    Gummy red coins and popcorn
    Sugar babies and popcorn
    Had another little sister who dunked her potato chips in milk (that’s crazy)
    Poteen is good with real gravy not canned
    Pat at frites with satay sauce (French fries and peanut sauce with pepper sauce poured on them) in Holland I lived on them!

  23. Salad dressing and peanut butter sandwich.

    Fake eggnog – whole milk, a dab of butter, sugar and nutmeg brought to boil then chilled or drink warm.

    Kosher pickles, tomatoes and a glass of molk. Yeah, it was a craving when expecting son years ago, but I still like it.

  24. My late mother served a delicious combination of grapefruit and avocado chunks with just a small touch of mayonnaise. When I first heard her mention it, my reaction was, “Whaaaaat? Yeccccch!” I was wrong. Scrumptious!

  25. 🍍 I eat pineapple on my pizza. 🍍

    and FUCK IT: oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and kiwis.

    If you’re going to fuck it up, just go ahead and fuck it up all the way.


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