Argentine President Blasts Socialism In Speech At CPAC – IOTW Report

Argentine President Blasts Socialism In Speech At CPAC

President Javier Milei of Argentina railed against socialism on Saturday in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), claiming that it can never work in any circumstance.

13 Comments on Argentine President Blasts Socialism In Speech At CPAC

  1. He’s right and we’re all feeling it. Since the socialization of our banks, automobiles, healthcare, illegal aliens, climate, while the federal government the largest land owner continues to gobble up land, welfare, media, and a bunch more things — there is one noticeable thing to anyone who has been alive for 40 years — the country is going to shit real fast along with recognition of our rights. It’s not working in realtime.

  2. He just became a Jew, praises Israel at every turn, want’s to embrace the dollar, etc….so there is much to be concerned about with this guy. What he says is great…but much caution is needed. Some “libertarians” are put in positions of power simply to undermine and discredit the libertarian name.

  3. Carajo! Watch this fellow and all like him. Good is found where good is and good cannot be imputed to the whole of an item one corner of which has been found to be good.

    Socialism is like that thing, the corner that looks good is the one that says’ if I fuck things up someone else will look after me’ to the weakling in a person. The rest of the package is the rotting noisome mess of filth that promise makes out of everything it touches.

  4. Socialism can never work in any circumstance because…people.

    There, I just distilled a lengthy speech into about 10 seconds. Sometimes political theories sound good, but only until you realize people implement them. Sometimes corrupt people. Sometimes stupid people. Sometimes people who worship power and will do anything to obtain and keep it. Sometimes well-intentioned people who are inflexible in their beliefs, or who do not know what others want or need.

    Democracy, representative government, our jury system and even the free market are not perfect, and to paraphrase Churchill the only things worse are everything else. When someone claims to have the answer, you should first check to see if he or she even knows the question.

  5. Right after he got elected, he travel led to NY to visit the grave of a dead Rabbi and to seek the blessings from a dead person. I don’t know that that is, but not a good “sign”.


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