Arizona Will Be First State to Recognize Out-of-State Occupational Licenses – IOTW Report

Arizona Will Be First State to Recognize Out-of-State Occupational Licenses

Reason: Arizona is one signature away from becoming the first state in the country to recognize out-of-state occupational licenses. That means licensed workers will be able to move to Arizona and immediately find work without going through the expensive, time-consuming, and redundant process of getting re-licensed.

That’s a big deal.

The state House and state Senate voted this week to pass a bill recognizing out-of-state licenses. Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, has championed the legislation throughout the process and is expected to sign it sometime next week.

“We’ve heard too many stories of licensed, experienced professionals denied the opportunity to work upon moving to Arizona,” Ducey tells Reason. “With this first-in-the-nation reform, Arizonans who have recently moved here will be able to put their skills to work faster and without all the red tape.”

The bill’s passage is the culmination of a fight between reformers and Arizona’s licensing boards. Ducey used his State of the State Address in 2017 to call licensing boards “a group of special interest bullies.” He’s saved his sharpest barbs for the Arizona State Board of Cosmetology, which has investigated students for giving free haircuts to the homeless and defended a rule requiring 1,000 hours of training before letting someone blow-dry hair for money. The board, Ducey said in 2017, “is going after people who simply want to make a living blow-drying hair. No scissors involved.”

The bill that passed this week won’t stop Arizona’s boards from setting ridiculous requirements for would-be license-holders, but it will create some substantial incentives for the boards to behave differently. By allowing licenses issued in other states to be valid in Arizona, the state’s homegrown regulators will now have a reason to match their requirements to what other states do.

This is also a model for other states to follow. Most licenses aren’t transferable between states, and research in recent years has shown a link between growing levels of occupational licensing—more than a third of all jobs in the United States are now subject to some form of licensing, up from just one in 10 in 1970—and a decline in workers’ mobility.

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17 Comments on Arizona Will Be First State to Recognize Out-of-State Occupational Licenses

  1. there are states that have ‘reciprocal’ occupational licenses, such as Electrical Masters between Maryland & VA, WVA & Delaware. MD also has Teacher reciprocity w/ 46 States.

    although, the AZ agreement sounds like it will work for every state … wonder how they feel about CCW reciprocity?


    Just sit back with your calculator and punch in all those who make money from licensing!

    ⏺ Colleges get to sell books, classroom fees, administrative fees, and again every 5 years for renewal.
    ⏺ Dept. of Public Instruction gets fees, you pay for background checks which is a kick-back for law enforcement.
    ⏺ Companies sell books to help people prepare for licensing tests.
    ⏺ Test companies make money administering tests.
    ⏺ Every place of employment now seems to need: a specific degree, a license, an extra certificate in an even MORE specific area, and 2-3 years of experience in that specific area that you don’t have and can’t get unless you travel to a magic island that doesn’t require experience, you accrue it, then come back and apply for jobs.
    ⏺ Licensing review boards which can revoke a license for cause, and you have to spend time, pay for a lawyer to keep it active.
    ⏺ Local government inspectors that investigate places of employment for proper licensure.
    ⏺ Fines and fees for non-compliance of licensure.

    The “Licensing Industrial Complex” is collectively shitting its pants knowing a hole herd of people will come into the state, and not have to jump through their hoops. Now, to make up for the shortfall, they’ll add and “out of state fee” and charge people out of state license checks to make sure they actually have a legit license.

    They won’t do with a penny less, and they’ll find ways to get it back. You watch….

  3. As a barnacle scraper down at the Cleator Yacht Club, I don’t yet feel any pressure from the out-of-staters. So far, no one else is willing to work for flat, skunky Coors beer.

  4. @GFS – you forgot the biggest jackpot winners of all in that testing. They started it by spooning with State Politicians, then Legislatures picked up on it, and it was all for the greater good, brought to you by today’s scum of the earth, Unions and their Mobs.

  5. If they could get even ONE refrigeration mechanic who knew ANYTHING about HVAC. Or even one plumber who could make turds go away and not fill your home with noxious gas… or even ONE fucking SAE “mechanic” who could fix a fart…

  6. “Why is that tank of 404A upright?”

    “I fill yo system!”

    “You fucking retard — it must be charged as liquid.”

    “Huh, it be gas, yo. What the fuck wrong wit YOU?”

  7. …um.
    But the issue here is that Arizona traffic laws are vastly different in some ways then most other states.

    Also we’re already beginning to get a huge influx of shitty dangerous drivers from Cali and Chicago, I don’t want more. > >
    And this will make it easier than ever for those nasty state ruining cockroaches to move here.


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