Ask Your Doctor If Bidenica Is Right For You – IOTW Report

Ask Your Doctor If Bidenica Is Right For You

17 Comments on Ask Your Doctor If Bidenica Is Right For You

  1. Currently in hospital right now They dd a kidney biopsy today on one and inserted tubes in both that drain into outside bags.Was not fun at all as they kept me awake through both procedures.

  2. If we keep making merciless fun of Biden, they’re just going to kill him so they can make it all stop. Then they’ll have a big funeral to which Trump will not be invited. So no more making fun of Bi——I’m sorry, I could keep a straight face anymore lololool

  3. Brad,
    Thank you very much for your concern. Sorry to hear about your ticker problems as well. I’m also having A-Fib that they are having problems keeping under control. Been upchucking almost daily, once per day for the last 4 weeks.Slowly getting through it all.

  4. @Pogo

    About your A-Fib. Try taking or increasing your magnesium intake. Magnesium relaxes muscles and has shown to regulate irregular heartbeat. Magnesium Glycinate is bioavailable with near 100% absorption. Magnesium Oxide is ok with about 15% absorption. (I am not a doctor or anywhere close to it. I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night either. I am just one person with a opinion.)

    I was diagnosed with intermittent A-Fib then had a big scare that put me into constant A-Fib. Scheduled an ablation and 1 month prior to procedure I experienced leg cramps at night. Started taking Magnesium for cramps and noticed no A-Fib symptoms. Went ahead with procedure in Feb ’24 and thanks to God I have no chest pain. I still take Magnesium Oxide though.

    While the ablation helped, I would recommend much prayer though. Maybe it’s just me but I believe that while my heart is physical, it has a spiritual side (to me) where God resides (I am a Christian). After the procedure, I kinda felt odd that a man (cardiologist) entered where God resides. Much prayer.

  5. Pogo SATURDAY, 29 JUNE 2024, 0:11 AT 12:11 AM

    Been there done that in a fashion. Took the right kidney out and threw it in the slop bucket. Been good now for over twenty years. Delayed the removal for quite a while after they pushed the hunk of steel up my… Nevermind.

    Anytime I hear “cystoscopy and retrograde pyelogra” I wince.


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