Assad’s Friends Bombed For Attacking Our Friends – IOTW Report

Assad’s Friends Bombed For Attacking Our Friends

US air assets struck pro-Assad forces yesterday after they had assaulted the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) territory recently liberated from ISIS. American authorities claim 100 pro-Syrian government fighters were killed in the retaliatory strike. More



4 Comments on Assad’s Friends Bombed For Attacking Our Friends

  1. This story might be much more better. The U.S. Special Forces guys embedded have been watching this build up for a couple weeks. They have a hotline to the Russians. They contacted the Ruskies and basically said “Don’t do it”. Ruskies did it any way. . Odds are there’s dead Ruskies in the mayhem. Don’t fuck with us. You WHERE warned.

  2. The Syrian Observatory said they were local tribesmen loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and Afghan Shia militiamen.

    This is an Iranian attack. Iran organizes, pays and controls both the Afghan Shia mercenaries and government affiliated militia.

    Iran probably see US non-reaction to the Turk’s attack on Afrin and wanted to see much they could get away with.

  3. First, we have no business there, none. Second Assad and his father kept the jihadists at bay and was even our allie during Desert Storm. Being there is bad enough, but we are also on the wrong side.

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