Assange: Wikileaks Will ‘Absolutely’ Release ‘Significant’ Hillary Documents Before Election – IOTW Report

Assange: Wikileaks Will ‘Absolutely’ Release ‘Significant’ Hillary Documents Before Election

DailyCaller: Julian Assange, the co-founder and editor of Wikileaks, says that his organization will “absolutely” be releasing thousands of “significant” documents regarding Hillary Clinton before the Nov. 8 election.

“We’re working around the clock. We have received quite a lot of material,” Assange told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly during an interview that aired Wednesday.

Asked if he will release the documents before the election, Assange replied: “Yes, absolutely.”

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14 Comments on Assange: Wikileaks Will ‘Absolutely’ Release ‘Significant’ Hillary Documents Before Election

  1. How about doing before they Arkancide your ass? Sheesh.

    I hope JA has this stuff coped in multiple places around the world, it better not be up to him alone to release it.

    I see the logic in dribbling it out, that way they can’t spin and deflect and hope the people forget it – which they would, people have short attention spans. Drip drip drip keeps them off balance and in the defensive constantly, which is hard for them.

    Just hope he don’t get WHACKED.

  2. What is an appropriate penalty for Satan Clinton, her husband and evil demonic daughter ??? What is an appropriate penalty for Sidney Blumenscum, Podesta, Lesbian pretender Huma ???? These vile thieves that have been stealing our country blind and betraying innocent American citizens and causing them to be killed….

    What penalty does Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Twitter, etc and the rest deserve for conspiring with these whores to destroy our freedom?

    What penalty does Leonardo Difaggio deserve for stealing many tens of millions of dollars through his phony foundation charity, evading income taxes, while he sprays away a million dollars worth of Champaign on the floor and ceiling as he pops bottles on his birthday in Vegas ??

    What penalty do the homosexual mafia members in the leftists media deserve for conspiring to cover up all of these crimes while they also pay bribes to Satan Clinton all so they can be part of the insiders club and be protected homosexuals that molest little boys and girls???

    Suggestions please?

  3. I’m beginning to wonder if they are manufacturing stuff. Don’t dribble it out, allowing them to deflate each modicum as just that, GOP dribble.

    Overwhelming evidence, hitting hard, all at once, surrounding Clinton is the way to go. Makes it so hard to parse the excuses.

    If you are going to smash an enemy, do it fast, with a big hammer.

  4. Assange and WikiLeaks doing what the FBI, DOJ and NSA refused and failed to do.
    I’ve wondered, did the FBI contact the NSA for copies of Hillary’s e-mails and communications?
    Or did the National Security Agency not think Hillary’s home brewed, non-secure server was a security issue?
    How many inept, partisan agencies were part of the cover-up?

  5. @David J Marcone…

    MI5 probably has a huge team doing nothing but monitoring his electronic communications. If they get a high-value hit, they notify the appropriate fixer.

    Ironically, JA probably does a lot of old school drops & couriers stuff to communicate now. There are some brave people risking their lives to help him. Like his attorney, John Jones, who jumped in front of a train this past April.

    Or was it just last week he did that? I thought he was killed in April, but Google says both August and April. Really weird, like something is being set up.

  6. Mike Brown; (please change your name, ugh!) Anyway “what Penalty”?
    How about releasing all of these people in the middle east without money, bodyguards or guns for self defense.
    Let the barbarians have their way with them. Now that would be karma!

  7. “How many inept, partisan agencies were part of the cover-up?”
    All of them. They are all corrupt. The penalty would be death in a sane world, but we are not living in a sane world.

  8. JA needs to have insurance in terms of multiple document copies distributed throughout trusted friends with instructions to release immediately if something happens to him. Any FBI director and Attorney General worth a damn would be on their way to arrest the Skank from Arkansas immediately.
    AS to the man behind the curtain pulling all those strings, Soros is probably sweating in his fat little piggy face now, wondering how safe he can be from hit squads of the Chinese, Russians, MI5, not to mention ISIS. Screwing over everyone has a cost, and that cost is your life, Georgie boy!

  9. @Mike Brown is an American Hero August 25, 2016 at 7:56 am

    > Suggestions please?

    Stop trying to exhaust everyone (possibly including yourself) running around in circles, screeching “Who did what!?”.

    Does it really matter who loaded the “clip,” versus who carried the “clip,” versus who put it in the gun, versus who fired shots 1, 3, and 9 as opposed to shots 2, 4, and 8? Does it NOT matter who paid for the bullets, who paid for the gun, who hired the shooters, and who gave them “jobs” while things “cooled down”?

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