AT WAR WITH THE CIA: Julian Assange’s Warning – IOTW Report

AT WAR WITH THE CIA: Julian Assange’s Warning

27 Comments on AT WAR WITH THE CIA: Julian Assange’s Warning

  1. If the CIA actually reported to Putin we’d be better off, and they’d be a ton more honorable. What’s the CIA’s tre mission statement? “Make more money for us”. How many legit Govs have they over thrown? You can bet your ass they helped install captain brain dead. Right now they’re running contingency plans on how to end Trump. And probably Tucker.

  2. Uncle Al, once again you are judging me without knowing the full story.
    I’m getting used to that from you, and THAT is tiresome as well.

    Earlier today Brad made a joke in another thread about the fallen Oak Tree, writing:
    “If this isn’t a sign from God I don’t know what is.”

    Hence I made AN OBVIOUS JOKE about the CIA to branch onto his post on THIS thread: “Right now they’re running contingency plans on how to end Trump. And probably Tucker.”

    My joke:
    …and DeSantis, they knocked down a tree in his yard under the guise of some obscure storm.

    Please be fair Al.
    You used to be.

  3. “That you may have been joking wasn’t at all evident.”
    Do you think ANYONE believes the CIA knocked down that tree?
    Does anyone believe that I would call Hurricane Idalia an “obscure storm”?

    Nobody is honest on this site.
    They have to settle scores with bullshit.

    “That you may have been joking wasn’t at all evident.”
    Is the largest load of shit typed here tonight and YOU KNOW IT!

    Be honest, I criticize Trump and it’s gets panties all bunched up.

  4. @ Loco….your right….EVERYBODY is against you… are the lone soldier of what is right and wrong… define right and wrong because you are the master of right and wrong….

    I think you should write a new definition of right and wrong for Funk & Wagnells to publish….YOU da man?…

  5. @LocoBlancoSaltine — Please stop making claims about me for which you have no evidence outside of your own paranoid delusions.

    You have no way of knowing whether or not I know the full story.
    You have no basis on which to say I have an agenda, especially without mentioning what is ON that agenda.

    And as for being fair, I enjoy and appreciate your comments in basically all other areas outside of your presidential candidates obsession and your puerile arguments with Brad (not that Brad doesn’t contribute mightily).

    It seems likely to me you’ll reply to this, but I’ve had my say and have nothing more to add.

  6. I don’t wish to argue with you AL but since you didn’t get my obvious joke, I felt it was safe to assume you didn’t know the whole story.

    By all means keep defending a guy who has threatened me, insulted me, called me faggot, wanted to beat my ass, dox me, have me banned from iotw, etc.
    Yet since I push back on his BS, I’m the bad guy.
    I see you.
    We see you.
    Play fair or don’t but please get off that high horse if you cannot be honest.

  7. “Just fuck off Loco. you offer nothing but conflict and drive commentators away…..Schmuuk…”

    10 thumbs up^^^^ Loco you still offer nothing but conflict….This time with Uncle Al which makes you the biggest fool…..YOU FOOLISH SCHMUUK!!!!

  8. ^ Tomorrow when you sober up? Do you ever?….reread this comment and try to make sense of it. If you can then you are really fucked. If you can’t then seek the help that you need……Burr’s got a roll out couch near his shop and the snakes and scorpions but it gonna cost you a bunch of manual labor and late night lecturing….maybe the occasional beating…..The beatings CAN be court ordered mandatory….walk softly…..

  9. I respect Al’s opinion but he obviously doesn’t respect mine.
    I stand by everything I write here.
    It was an obvious joke yet Al got his panties bunched up and wanted to defend poor old Brad.
    Agenda complete.
    He should have kept his pie-hole shut because he came off looking stupid.

    willys, I don’t know why you bring up Burr, evidently you need another man to hold your hand while posting inane comments here?

  10. Because Burr works for the CIA?

    You can’t prove that in a court of law. I have receipts. Never have I received a check from the D.O.D.

    Except that one time.

    However, I think my Bailiff is referring to my part time job as an unlicensed late nite television psychologist. I may have offered my services at one point.

    Well, these things take time. In the meanwhile, we all get to watch the Logo self therapy power hour.

    I do however, have a newly upholstered couch.


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