Attorney Lin Wood speaks up on behalf of Americans – IOTW Report

Attorney Lin Wood speaks up on behalf of Americans

GOP officials in Georgia hold a press conference 11/6.
Guest speaker Attorney Lin Wood. – TheBlyssium.

h/t mmm

19 Comments on Attorney Lin Wood speaks up on behalf of Americans

  1. God bless the warriors! I contributed as much money as I could and pray constantly, it’s not much but together with everyone else, it should be tremendous. Don’t give up!!

  2. PBS is running a talking head woman saying that these lawsuits are based on disinformation and there is no actual evidence of irregularities. So there you have it. Nothing to see folks, move along. The media will now unperson President Trump.

  3. @ Steve, maybe it’ just me that thinks it is pretty weird that the Asian-American ballot observer in Detroit apparently doesn’t speak English, only Mandarin. How does one do that kind of job during an American election when they do not speak English?

    However, I am happy she found vans full of ballots arriving at 4 a.m. suspicious, and had the courage to report it.

  4. Dan Rather called Lin Wood the “attorney for the damned” and launched Lin into prominence! Lin has won many law suits against this crooked media to the tune of hundreds of millions in awards and settlements. Now when he shows up the Shameless, Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media starts skidding in their own shit cuz he damn sure wins and wins big! Taking on the entire democRAT machine will be his biggest fight, but they too should be very, very concerned! They know what they did and they know they’re wrong. Everyone who wants the American way to survive should line up behind this man and President Trump and give their upmost support to them. The fight against tyranny is right here, right now and needs to be turned into a steam roller that not only addresses the voter fraud, but continues on to destroy the democRAT machine as well as the Biden/Clinton crime syndicates!


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