BFH – Page 2052 – IOTW Report

11/11 11:11am

Wednesday, 11 November 2015, 10:45 BFH 15

Anthem, AZ 85086 | PHOTOS The Anthem Veterans Memorial, located in Anthem Community Park in Anthem, AZ is a monument dedicated to honor the service and sacrifice of our

Insu LTD

Wednesday, 11 November 2015, 4:30 BFH 7

The only thing that makes this video less than a perfect 10 is that the makers put Rachel Maddow in it as an example of a talking head that you [Read More]

The sH*tler was most likely a myth

Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 19:13 BFH 30

The scatstika that sparked the outrage and led to the Missou’s president to have to “step down while being white,” most likely never happened.

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