BFH – Page 2136 – IOTW Report

Hillary Wants To Reshuffle

Thursday, 20 August 2015, 10:15 BFH 42

Hillary’s ad is a howler. She complains about CEOs making 100s of times more than the employees. She’s made this point on her $300,000 a pop speaking engagements. Her catch [Read More]

Jesus For Jeb!

Wednesday, 19 August 2015, 8:00 BFH 11

Does Jeb’s affability offend anyone? Jeb 2016 – The last few years have been challenging for many Americans. I want to tell you what I’m going to do to fix [Read More]

Happy “Parent 1” Day

Wednesday, 19 August 2015, 7:15 BFH 16

You know that old joke about the Mexican fireman who named his twins Hose A and Hose B? That joke works for non-Mexicans now. Now you’re parents can be Hose [Read More]

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