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A Vietnam vet, Wayne Wright, who had a legal firearms collection worth over $700,000, was nabbed in an illegal sting operation by the LAPD. Posing as a prospective buyer, an undercover [Read More]
A Vietnam vet, Wayne Wright, who had a legal firearms collection worth over $700,000, was nabbed in an illegal sting operation by the LAPD. Posing as a prospective buyer, an undercover [Read More]
Hillary’s ad is a howler. She complains about CEOs making 100s of times more than the employees. She’s made this point on her $300,000 a pop speaking engagements. Her catch [Read More]
I was playing pool with a friend and we usually play “name that song” because Sirius radio is piped in. It was on the 70’s channel. As soon as this [Read More]
I don’t care how much Hillary makes, but these SJW types sure do, and yet they still back Hillary because they know nothing about her. Some of them got [Read More]
Wearing the uniform number 1/8, Eddie Gaedel walked on 4 pitches. The 3’7″ Gaedel has a 6’3″ grand-nephew playing in the Padres system.
Scott Nehring has a good angle that was overlooked during Hillary’s discussion with #BlackLivesMatter. Nehring emails – When she responds to the guy pretending to be calm and collected, she [Read More]
One of the most stressful things about being a right-wing blogger is waking up one day and finding everything you worked so hard for has been shut down because a leftist [Read More]
Opossums Kill 17 Babies in Venezuelan Hospital Birth Ward And you thought a hospital with listeria was bad.
Must see. Very good. – Hat Tip/ Snowball the Sourpuss
Report: Black Lives Matter organizer and Oprah scholarship recipient who claims he has been the victim of a hate crime ‘revealed to be white’ Shaun King, an author and writer [Read More]
I have no idea why Trump was commenting on Heidi Klum, but I’m glad he did. He gets to slay another dope who makes smarmy statements that are designed to make [Read More]
Does Jeb’s affability offend anyone? Jeb 2016 – The last few years have been challenging for many Americans. I want to tell you what I’m going to do to fix [Read More]
You know that old joke about the Mexican fireman who named his twins Hose A and Hose B? That joke works for non-Mexicans now. Now you’re parents can be Hose [Read More]
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