If the sagging pants fit, wear em’
Henderson State University in Arkansas put up a sign that said they would be no tolerance for Profanity, Excessive Loudness, Rude Behavior, and Sagging Pants. Blacks were insulted. That’s weird. [Read More]
Henderson State University in Arkansas put up a sign that said they would be no tolerance for Profanity, Excessive Loudness, Rude Behavior, and Sagging Pants. Blacks were insulted. That’s weird. [Read More]
Detroit News- Taxpayers anted up $22 million for a new Detroit riverfront building to entice Great Lakes cruise ships and other passenger traffic. They built it — but the ships [Read More]
The search below autofills Lack Toast Intolerance. via Padraig My neighbor insisted on saying “Old Timer’s Disease.” I play cards with someone that says “mixed deal” instead of misdeal. My [Read More]
Update: A reader had a problem with the source of the analysis, saying it was rendered useless because it came from an anti-semitic site, The points made in the article [Read More]
Clinton’s Dance At Vernon Jordan’s Birthday Party (video) ht/ jason chisel
Hat Tip/ illustr8r On Twitter – Trump Your Cat -Brush your cat -Form toupee with shed hair -Put on cat
Man makes $10,000 a month sending people potatoes North Texas entrepreneur Alex Craig, 24, is making a steady income by sending potatoes through the mail. The app developer by day [Read More]
Topic: Celebrityism
Bernie Sanders constantly says that he wants big money out of politics, it’s one of the central pillars of his presidential campaign. While it hasn’t been reported by any major [Read More]
Breitbart- Late Thursday, Glenn Beck criticized Sean for supporting Donald Trump and questioned the motives of many “big-name” conservatives. Beck, who previously slammed Trump for being “the biggest flaming [ass] that [Read More]
Brietbart- Will said, “What’s going on is that those deemed least qualified to be president, are most qualified to do what the voters want done today, 160 days before the [Read More]
This is a good idea if you live alone. ^
WeBeSisters are getting serious national attention. These are a couple of ladies who the Democrat and GOP establishment loathe. That’s why I like them. What’s not to like? They want America great again. Amen. [Read More]
Hat Tip – Moe Tom Update at Bottom of Post Preserving Patriotism WHO IS DONALD TRUMP? … since most Americans won’t do their own research, here, in no particular order, [Read More]
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