BFH – Page 2138 – IOTW Report

If the sagging pants fit, wear em’

Tuesday, 18 August 2015, 1:15 BFH 19

Henderson State University in Arkansas put up a sign that said they would be no tolerance for Profanity, Excessive Loudness, Rude Behavior, and Sagging Pants. Blacks were insulted. That’s weird. [Read More]

Milk Allergy? Eat More Toast

Monday, 17 August 2015, 22:00 BFH 108

The search below autofills Lack Toast Intolerance. via Padraig My neighbor insisted on saying “Old Timer’s Disease.” I play cards with someone that says “mixed deal” instead of misdeal. My [Read More]


Monday, 17 August 2015, 18:00 BFH 17

Man makes $10,000 a month sending people potatoes North Texas entrepreneur Alex Craig, 24, is making a steady income by sending potatoes through the mail. The app developer by day [Read More]

Diamond and Silk

Sunday, 16 August 2015, 23:59 BFH 7

WeBeSisters are getting serious national attention. These are a couple of ladies who the Democrat and GOP establishment loathe. That’s why I like them. What’s not to like? They want America great again. Amen. [Read More]

A Justified Second Look At Trump

Sunday, 16 August 2015, 22:58 BFH 46

Hat Tip – Moe Tom Update at Bottom of Post Preserving Patriotism WHO IS DONALD TRUMP? … since most Americans won’t do their own research, here, in no particular order, [Read More]

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