Police Bodycam videos
Moe Tom found this site with police bodycam videos.
Moe Tom found this site with police bodycam videos.
A company claims that less than 10% of the dog food available in the marketplace is acceptable. By what standard? ht/ sam s.
Tuesday – Race42016/ TRUMP RULES OUT THIRD PARTY RUN, SAYS “I WILL ONLY EVER RUN AS A REPUBLICAN” Donald Trump called into Dana Loesch’s show on The Blaze last night [Read More]
I say odd for two reasons. Firstly, the author manages to write a story about the explosion of FGM in Britain and he doesn’t mention Islam once. Secondly, there is a [Read More]
DCClothesline- Officials stress that the rules are based on “conservation,” a nod to draconian Agenda 21-style mandates which local governments are imposing in line with United Nations recommendations based on [Read More]
Crowder repurposes some Olympic footage. You know it’s good when the a-holes in the comments call Crowder an a-hole.
Because you can see her lips move. Doctored Footage or a miracle?
From Moonbattery. I think I hate them now.
Woman leaps into Florida pond and wrestles 7ft alligator with her bare hands to save her dog Hope from its jaws Trapped in the jaws of an enormous alligator, Hope [Read More]
Professor Walter Williams gives a learned rebuke of the left’s condemnation of the Confederate flag. Here and HERE Bubba’s Brother sent these in, saying: I thought this was interesting information that [Read More]
ht/Mr. Mxyzptlk Cincinatti.com President Barack Obama couldn’t last one day at the Warren County Fair. Well, a life-size cardboard cutout of the president couldn’t. The fair in Lebanon began on [Read More]
“Progressivism is not satisfied with simple bloodshed; it wants to dig into a person, down to a nuclear level, and destroy her from the inside. It wants to murder not just [Read More]
Click Obama In the Face To See What This Is All About. Oh, Get a Barf Bag
He Couldn’t Breathe NEWSER) – Another death in police custody has a Tennessee family scrambling for answers. Family attorney Tim Edwards tells NBC News that Troy Goode, 30, “ingested” something [Read More]
Obama’s Audacity Knows No Bounds
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