Articles by BFH
Collage of Garland Texas Muhammad Art
I’d forgotten that I had made this for display at Garland, which would only seen by attendees. This represents most of the submissions, but not all. (Some people submitted dozens, many [Read More]
In all the excitement we forgot to acknowledge the winning art piece
Bosch Fawstin took both prizes (the main event and the people’s choice award) with this image.
Geller and Spencer Just Released From Lockdown
I just got off the phone with Miss Pamela. She said that the war is on our shores. Shots were fired for drawing a cartoon. Meanwhile our quisling left is [Read More]
Everyone should sign off all correspondences with this depiction of Muhammad. Use it on everything. @8{>
This picture speaks volumes
From inside the AFDI event in Garland.
Shooting in Garland at the AFDI Draw Muhammad Event
Pamela Geller – This is a war. This is war on free speech. What are we going to do? Are we going to surrender to these monsters? Two men with [Read More]
Dems the Facts
ht/ sam s.
Same Sex Marriage Issue Was Never About Marriage
Patriot Post Looking ahead to a possible constitutional right to same-sex “marriage,” Justice Samuel Alito asked a key question: “In the Bob Jones case, the Court held that a college [Read More]
Victim of a Black Life That Mattered Succumbs To Baseball Bat Injuries
SF Gate- A Southern California man who was beaten with a baseball bat has died and authorities say they’ll seek a murder charge in the alleged hate crime attack. Fifty-four-year-old Armando [Read More]
This Black Life Doesn’t Matter AT ALL
This black life form does not matter. Not one bit. Not an iota. And he may very well be a protester in Baltimore holding up a #BlackLIvesMatter placard. The slogan [Read More]
Scared Straight