True Facts: iOTWreport would not be what it is if it were not for Cardigan. (Hmmm, that’s one of those statements that can be taken 2 ways, isn’t it?)
True Facts: iOTWreport would not be what it is if it were not for Cardigan. (Hmmm, that’s one of those statements that can be taken 2 ways, isn’t it?)
BBC – The FBI says it has arrested two women accused of plotting to plant a bomb in New York City. The two women, who are US citizens, referred to [Read More]
(author unknown) And Jesus died for each one of these people…. The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim The Beltway Snipers were Muslims The Fort Hood Shooter was a Musli The underwear [Read More]
DailyMail EXCLUSIVE: Who needs Rosie O’Donnell? Monica Lewinsky tapped by Barbara Walters to bring the mojo back to The View and make it the ‘runaway success’ it once was
The IRS commissioner on Tuesday brushed aside GOP proposals to abolish his agency, insisting the U.S. would have to have a tax collector one way or another. “You can call [Read More]
Israeli Company’s Vaccine Blocks 90% of Cancer Types An Israeli biotech company is developing a vaccine for cancer that it says can help prevent the return of the lethal disease [Read More]
It’s not the gay aspect, it’s the lies. I know I’m going overboard on this but I am sick of the lies. The Indiana RFRA is intended to prevent government [Read More]
I guess I’m supposed to be outraged that she was able to buy a gun. Am I not supposed to be outraged that she can drive her car, own a [Read More]
IBD: Tax Policy: Liberals threw every punch they had at Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback last fall, hoping to unseat the Republican for the sin of cutting tax rates to stimulate job [Read More]
National Security- After a marathon negotiating session that stretched into the wee hours of Wednesday morning, April 1–hours after the official deadline–the parties gathered in Lausanne, Switzerland reached a tentative [Read More]
Indiana restaurant says they won’t be catering gay weddings. http://www.abc57.com/clip/11319394/rfra-first-business-to-publicly-deny-same-sex-service Mediaite- On the off chance a gay couple in Walkerton, IN wanted pizza for their wedding, they’ll have to go [Read More]
IBD- Consider this timeline: January 2009: Obama signs executive order calling for Gitmo to be shuttered within a year, while his national security team considers if the five Taliban leaders [Read More]
MWN- One has to wonder what the world is coming to when a student faces suspension because she recorded a teacher’s inappropriate behavior. That’s exactly what happened to 11-year-old Brianna [Read More]
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