Articles by BFH
AUDIO: Conservatives Crash Thad Cochran Conference Call
American Power
“How Are We Supposed To Live?”
Political Outcast Michigan Workers Discover Obamacare Means Impoverishment. The 41 employees of Extreme Dodge in Jackson, Mich., are very familiar with trade-ins, but this year they’re learning about trade-offs as [Read More]
Murrieta Mayor Pro-Tem Harry Ramos Warns Immigration Protests Likely ‘Every Time’ Buses Arrive.”
American Power So far it looks like Murrieta remains scheduled for additional busloads of migrants, and local patriots aren’t backing down. At CBS News Los Angeles, “Murrieta Official Warns Immigration [Read More]
Bergdahl taking off-base excursions- With supervision
NYPost Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is busting out of his Army base — but this time with a little supervision. The former POW — who was released by the Taliban in exchange for [Read More]
Barbie’s No Barbie
via Barbie Celebrates Women Entrepreneurs With 150 jobs under her belt, Barbie recently created a LinkedIn page where you can view her resume. Taking on the personality of ‘Entrepreneur Barbie’, she hopes to encourage young [Read More]
The biggest threat to Obamacare yet is right around the corner
C. Steven Tucker A case about to be decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit could stop Obamacare dead in its tracks in 34 states. ‘Halbig [Read More]
Catching Up With Ann Barnhardt ht/Kpark
All Jokes aside…
By Jethro …who would take the risk and bite into this thing? Burger King is trying to let its gay customers have it their way with a new sandwich called [Read More]
What Adam Richman Learned
The Other McCain Maybe you haven’t heard about this controversy, but it’s a helpful lesson in the unstated rules of 21st-century discourse. Adam Richman is a former actor and self-educated [Read More]
Bowe Bergdahl Allowed To Leave Hospital Unsupervised, Visit Restaurants, Etc…
Via Mary From Marin Dear Miss Manners: Social dilemma: what does one say when encountering a military deserter/traitor while standing in line at Baskin-Robbins? Is political commentary acceptable discourse, [Read More]
Maybe We Need Dick Cavett
By (Mr.B) “If anything, the fact that we’re a country that elected a man to the presidency why, by right, should have been in striped pajamas if Gerald Ford hadn’t [Read More]
Tonight’s Soothiness by Bad Brad
A Love Bird’s Tail
10000vxmen h/t Kristi
“…Strangers in Our Own Land?”
by — MaryfromMarin “As we celebrate the 238th anniversary of our Independence, many Americans are wondering if we are indeed an independent nation with sovereign borders. Have we become strangers in [Read More]