Charlie Kirk: What Is Democracy?
Breitbart – The Washington swamp and its media allies have settled on their line of attack against the new Trump administration, and it’s a tired one: Our democracy is in [Read More]
Breitbart – The Washington swamp and its media allies have settled on their line of attack against the new Trump administration, and it’s a tired one: Our democracy is in [Read More]
Images from: 1) Buster Brown (Tucker and Raymond) This is Tucker (Dachshund) looking at Raymond (goose).2) gigi (Frank) Watching….while I’m on a call.3) Bayouwulf (Penny)4) Claudia (Pistol) Checking to see [Read More]
But not like you’d think!
In all my travels in the US, I never noticed this! It’s a good thing to know!
Images from: 1) Bayouwulf (Penny Lane Valentine) February 14th will mark the tenth anniversary of Penny’s adoption. I can’t believe how fast time has flown. There must be something that [Read More]
In the press conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Trump stated that he want the US to take ownership of the Gaza Strip. Here is a snippet of his talk: [Read More]
Images from: 1) Claudia (Sammy) Displaying his excellent treat-sniffing nose.2) Gigi (Frankie) Here is my Frankie hanging in one of his Many closets.3) Freepik.com4,5,6) To submit your critter pictures [Read More]
Opossum! View video HERE
“Reader’s Critters” Images from our readers: 1) Bayouwulf (also the featured image)2) TennDon3,4) Dee5) Corky6) Corky (Roanoke)7) Sturge8) Sturge (Casey)9) Claudia (Cedar Waxwing)10) Claudia (Ivan)11) The Rat Fink12) The Rat [Read More]
“Please immediately issue an Executive Order that prevents the use of foreign participation in the supply chain of US election equipment.” My County Sheriff has been working on this since [Read More]
If People Acted Like They Do in Cars
Images from: 1) gigi (Frankie) Here’s my ‘Frankie on his favorite blankie’.2) Jethro (Goat) pictures from my brother’s little farmette in WV.3) SNS (Chickens)4) Claudia (Sammy) Loving his chin scritch.5) [Read More]
This is one of his better ones. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.