April Showers …
WAIT! This isn’t what that means! Noooooo! This is … BATHTIME!!!! Images from: 1 Poor Lazlo (Angus) 2 Marco (Jameson) 3 Eugenia (Daffy Willow) 4 Big Gun 5 Corona (Durango) [Read More]
WAIT! This isn’t what that means! Noooooo! This is … BATHTIME!!!! Images from: 1 Poor Lazlo (Angus) 2 Marco (Jameson) 3 Eugenia (Daffy Willow) 4 Big Gun 5 Corona (Durango) [Read More]
Images from: 1 Meerkat (A runt and a firecracker) 2 Eugenia (Daffy Willow) 3 Eugenia (Chessie in her Doggles) 4 Sturge 5 unsplash.com 6-9 pixabay.com Submit your critter pictures for [Read More]
You want relatives from a country under a travel ban to come visit you in the USA? Nope, you don’t have any rights to violate the ban. GOPUSA – Judge [Read More]
Images from: 1 RickeyG (Esther in Springtime) 2 Bob 3 Sturge 4 Bayouwulf (Penny) 5 sTevo 6 TennDon (Flying Tortolini Brothers) 7 The Rat Fink 8 Dee (Cheech and Missy) [Read More]
faithreel – Our Response To Gillette’s Toxic Masculinity
Candace Owens has an interesting take on why the left wants to lower the voting age to 16. It starts at about .33 into the video. She speaks of her [Read More]
Images from: 1,2,6,8 Unsplash 3,4,5 Morguefile 7,9,10,11,12 Pixabay The images are courtesy of pixabay.com, unsplash.com and morguefile.com Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to: [Read More]
Rick posted this in the comment on “The Difference Between Water and Beer” post from yesterday. It is so enjoyable, I’ve been playing it several times. What do you think?
Actually, it’s the Dirty Stinking Traitorous Dozen The Right Scoop – The Senate has just approved the resolution of disapproval of Trump’s declaration of a national emergency [snip] 59-41. It’s [Read More]
Images from: 1 Different Tim (Garfield the Wondercat. Doing what he does best. Nothing!) 2 anonymous (This is Sonny, preparing for bed) 3 Chuffed-Beyond-Words (Pepper) 4 Sturge 7 Cisco Kid [Read More]
Intellectual Froglegs
Images from: 1 forcibly deranged (Kilo and Logan stylin’ on the catwalk…) 2 Dee 3 Paul 4 Steve Brown (zebras) 5 LadyGun12 6 Sturge 7 Tim Buktu (Meisa and Marley) [Read More]
N.D. gun buyback bill criticized by gun-control advocates as ‘dumbest piece of legislation’ The Dickinson Press – FARGO — A bill to ban gun buyback programs funded by tax dollars [Read More]
The recent death of Peter Tork (of the Monkees fame) made me think of this song by one of the two surviving band members, Micky Dolenz. I’ve always enjoyed this [Read More]
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