Hot Dog Stand Robber Shoots His Weiner
There is justice in this world. Sometimes it’s poetically self-inflicted. More
There is justice in this world. Sometimes it’s poetically self-inflicted. More
In a constant stream of biased stories against the current administration, Yahoo! News ran a feature from GMA yesterday trumpeting all the success the Chicago is having reducing gun violence this [Read More]
With the massive news coverage of the NYC terror trucker, most viewers might have missed the not so subtle makeover given to Sayfullo Saipov by CBS News. The Conservative Treehouse took note and called [Read More]
In a grim admission, a recent UN report on emissions worldwide foresees an unstoppable warming of the climate, even with the Paris Climate Agreement in place. That’s because the Paris [Read More]
Thanks to changes in the filibuster rules by former Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV), Republicans can pass nominees to the judiciary with a simple majority. Democrats on the Senate [Read More]
Left with no link to the Trump Administration, CNN was forced this week to go to anonymous sources within Fox News to try to create the appearance that their rival [Read More]
In referring to the “Diversity Visa Lottery Program” used by Uzbek native, Sayfullo Saipov, to enter this country, President Trump labeled the Halloween truck terrorist a “Chuck Schumer Beauty.” The program, championed by [Read More]
Remy from ReasonTV does his best Michael Jackson (not for the easily offended social justice warrior). Watch
It seems Vice President Mike Pence caused some confusion when he stated to In Defense of Christians Summit last week that the State Department will send aid directly to “faith [Read More]
This apparently started last year, but carving the likeness of the President into a pumpkin seems to have really caught on. More
Warning: The following is not parody, it comes from Raising Race Conscious Children Three Things We Believe This Halloween White parents who want to dismantle White supremacy have a special burden [Read More]
The deduction of state and local taxes (SALT for short) from federal income taxes has been taken away in the Senate tax reform framework bill passed last week. Those hardest [Read More]
In what can only be considered a call for illegals to rush Virginia’s voting booths next week, an immigrant rights group, Latin Victory Fund, has started running a fear-mongering spot using minority children running from [Read More]
Apparently, the stories have been out there for years, but with the fallout over the Harvey Weinstein scandal, those rumors are becoming real accusations. Allegedly, Nickelodeon producer Dan Schneiderman has been abusing his young charges. [Read More]
Since losing control of all three branches of our federal government last year, surviving democrats in D.C. have been trying to blame the other side for the impending implosion of [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.