PETA’s Stupid Cat Trick
Watch the first 45 seconds of PETA’s new video “Cat Tricks with Rufus” and you’ll be ready to strangle the guy who appears to be abusively trying to train his pet [Read More]
Watch the first 45 seconds of PETA’s new video “Cat Tricks with Rufus” and you’ll be ready to strangle the guy who appears to be abusively trying to train his pet [Read More]
The human body can only take so much, even time at the gym. Now an Australian sports journal is claiming that “intense physiological stress on the body can trigger [Read More]
When it comes to Islamic inspired violence, Kurt Schlichter has but one request of national leaders, stop lying to us about the cause. It seems every single time, our elected [Read More]
Retired Marine Captain and long time movie consultant, Dale Dye, wants to make a D-Day movie outside of the usual Hollywood production channels. Which means it’ll be good. Watch The Indiegogo site for the [Read More]
A couple of Twitter users who have trolled the President’s account have found an advocacy group willing to threaten to sue the executive branch if the accounts aren’t unblocked. They’re [Read More]
ISIS is claiming responsibility for an attack on Iran’s Parliament building and the shrine to the Islamic state founder Ayatollah Khomeini this morning. There were four attackers who managed to [Read More]
ACT for America is organizing a number of demonstrations across the nation in opposition to the creeping acceptance of Sharia in The United States. More information on times and locations [Read More]
Dr. Seuss’ “Horton Hears a Who” is deeper than you may realize, at least according to the well-read Sparky Sweets, Ph.D. Watch More on Sparky Sweets and Thug Notes Here
Prager University’s latest video, featuring Charles Krauthammer, explains why we’ll never have a functional immigration policy until we get the wall built on the southern border.
Antifa sympathizers compiled seven old folk and country covers by complete unknowns about rotting in prison. They put it online a couple of days ago with the tags “folk, country, anti-police, anti-prison.” You can listen [Read More]
This weekend, Democrat Maryland Representative Jamie Raskin addressed the crowd at the “March for Truth” rally in Washington, D.C. Included in his remarks were a number of statements about political consultant Roger [Read More]
The People’s Cube says Hillary Clinton has been doing appearances to promote her upcoming book, but she hasn’t announced a title. Any suggestions? More
The Daily Caller had the death count at 149 as of yesterday, before the attacks in London added 7 more murdered last night. Praise Allah. I have it at 153 dead as [Read More]
A brief look at why Arab armies always seem to do poorly in the field. Here
California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly relates his interaction with what appears now to be a phony TV production company, America First Television or TrueMedia Television, lying about a “Sesame Street” like [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.