NE Patriots Choose To Turn Down WH Invitation
There are six players from the Super Bowl LI winning New England Patriots who have publicly proclaimed their intention to not visit the White House when invited. I cheer [Read More]
There are six players from the Super Bowl LI winning New England Patriots who have publicly proclaimed their intention to not visit the White House when invited. I cheer [Read More]
In a move similar to the bullying of North Carolina by various sporting organizations, the NFL has warned Texas that a bill championed by Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick preventing transgenders from [Read More]
YouTube social prankster Joey Salads went to LAX and asked Muslim ban protestors if they would be willing to share their homes with refugees they want let into the [Read More]
Congress will soon release all documents related to their ClimateGate 2 investigation that the Obama Administration had refused to release to the House. At issue are the accusations of Dr. [Read More]
It’s too big, too slow, and often wrong. Senators are proposing a bill to break the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals into a smaller district and creating the 12th [Read More]
If there is one federal agency that needs to be shut down and fumigated, it’s the State Department. Since the courts fowled up President Trumps EO to better vet immigrants [Read More]
Before Ted Cruz (R-TX) went into the Obamacare debate with Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) went into his personal library to show Senator Cruz his copy of “The [Read More]
So what was it that scared Democrats into quickly forming a “massive network” of operatives with a single focus on defending one key issue? Was it Obamacare, illegal immigration, abortion, [Read More]
Created by actor Brad Pitt to help in the reconstruction of New Orlean’s 9th Ward after hurricane Katrina, The Make It Right Foundation is now being sued by its [Read More]
In an admission that the turn to social justice themes and storylines has been an utter commercial failure, Marvel comics announced yesterday that they are returning to more traditional super hero stories. [Read More]
“Drinking with Bob” was a staple on this site. A must-see reaction of a man loaded with common sense to the events of the day. Bob would famously end his segments with a question of frustration [Read More]
Starting in 2014 pro hockey became the first league to support gay rights, each NHL team having a designated “LGBTQ ambassador.” This is “Hockey Is For Everyone” month, daily activities will [Read More]
I watched Gavin McInnes relate what happened at his scheduled appearance at New York University with equal parts enjoyment- at how the “Proud Boys” handled the leftist street thugs, and envy [Read More]
Well the top of the ticket anyway, Minnesota Senator Al Franken is being seriously considered among some on the left as a contender for the Democrat Party to run against [Read More]
The wheels of justice do indeed grind slowly as evident in what is becoming a 1st Amendment Case for the ages, Mann v. Steyn. At stake is the right [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.