Dr. Tar – Page 707 – IOTW Report

Prager U Fighting YouTube Censorship

Wednesday, 12 October 2016, 13:45 Dr. Tar 9

Twenty One of Prager University’s 5 minute videos have been placed in “restricted mode” by YouTube and made unavailable to those households who place a restriction on available content they [Read More]

Just A Dab Will “Do” You

Wednesday, 12 October 2016, 2:45 Dr. Tar 13

A drug used to tranquilize elephants and now used by heroin dealers to extend their product can be had through the mail from shady Chinese chemical manufacturers.  Carfentanil is described [Read More]

Sanders Supporters Not Happy With Clinton

Sunday, 9 October 2016, 11:37 Dr. Tar 6

They seemed willing to let the “basement dweller” characterization go the week before, but the latest revelation of Hillary Clinton’s willingness to go easy on Wall Street has  Bernie Sanders supporters enraged. But never [Read More]

Cashing In On The Racism Fad

Saturday, 8 October 2016, 18:30 Dr. Tar 7

  A UW-Madison student has created his own line of hoodies with provocative messages.  One of which, in Madison school colors of red and white, reads “All White People Are Racist.”  [Read More]

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