Judge Orders Child Rape Lawsuit Against Trump Forward
A federal civil lawsuit against Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein by an anonymous women has a scheduled December 16th court date for appearances by all parties to begin proceedings. [Read More]
A federal civil lawsuit against Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein by an anonymous women has a scheduled December 16th court date for appearances by all parties to begin proceedings. [Read More]
Once considered a sure bet to take back his senate seat, candidate Russ Feingold (WI-D) has a lot of explainin’ to do to the redneck, gun-clutching voters of his flyover state. [Read More]
There’s a new ad that will update you on why so many of us who are actually paying attention find the Clinton (Criminal) Foundation so reprehensible. Here
Dubbed the “sandwich shooter,” VanDerrit Myers was shot two years ago this week in the Shaw district of St. Louis (my old neighborhood). A vigil of about 20 or so people was [Read More]
I haven’t been interested in newspaper comics in a long time, but I have a new favorite after happening upon Mallard Fillmore’s work while sitting in a hospital waiting room [Read More]
Twenty One of Prager University’s 5 minute videos have been placed in “restricted mode” by YouTube and made unavailable to those households who place a restriction on available content they [Read More]
A drug used to tranquilize elephants and now used by heroin dealers to extend their product can be had through the mail from shady Chinese chemical manufacturers. Carfentanil is described [Read More]
That didn’t take long. More. Though I think donning a thick, bright pant suit and covering one’s face with fake flies would be a pretty good choice for Halloween this [Read More]
In a laughable, and disconcerting, attempt to explain away the creepiness of a fly settling on Hillary’s face and her lack of reaction, CBS News proclaimed the insect was actually [Read More]
The list gives thirteen examples of the vile stuff that constantly spews from the woman when not utilizing her “public position.” Most are directed at the members of Secret Service and [Read More]
This fainting hearts routine from top Republicans has gotten old and those that engage in it to try to save themselves at the expense of the nation are going to [Read More]
Using the justification of providing security for its students, North Carolina State University has placed surveillance cameras in side a some of the fraternity and sorority houses on its campus. The [Read More]
They seemed willing to let the “basement dweller” characterization go the week before, but the latest revelation of Hillary Clinton’s willingness to go easy on Wall Street has Bernie Sanders supporters enraged. But never [Read More]
Three weeks before Halloween and the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse held a “Is My Costume Racist? informational event for its students to head off any potential trouble. 30 students actually showed up and [Read More]
A UW-Madison student has created his own line of hoodies with provocative messages. One of which, in Madison school colors of red and white, reads “All White People Are Racist.” [Read More]
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