Dr. Tar – Page 732 – IOTW Report

Football Hero

Saturday, 6 August 2016, 15:00 Dr. Tar 5

Tight End Benjamin Watson raised eyebrows recently by having the nerve to make the link between Planned Parenthood’s eugenics in the black community and Margaret Sanger. Playing this season for the Baltimore [Read More]

Just Some Good Clean Fun

Friday, 5 August 2016, 11:00 Dr. Tar 17

For the Firemen’s parade in Arcadia, IA they put a person with a Hillary mask and prison jump suit into a mobile cage and paraded through town inviting bystanders to throw water [Read More]

President Smidgen

Thursday, 4 August 2016, 17:00 Dr. Tar 5

It was two and a half years ago when Obama declared that there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” when asked about IRS targeting of Tea Party groups. He was [Read More]

Poster Mom For BLM

Thursday, 4 August 2016, 15:30 Dr. Tar 23

Baltimore police went to the home of Korryn Gaines to serve a bench warrant for failure to appear in court. Ms. Gaines greeted the officers with a loaded shot gun [Read More]

Eating Their Cake Too

Wednesday, 3 August 2016, 12:00 Dr. Tar 12

The Socialists running Venezuela into the ground decided that they would celebrate the birthday of the deceased Hugo Chavez by baking a giant cake and then eating it in front [Read More]

Nigerian Scam Prince Finally Arrested

Wednesday, 3 August 2016, 10:30 Dr. Tar 16

A 40-year-old identified only as “Mike” by Nigerian authorities has been arrested as the head of a multi-nation 40-person scam operation. The self proclaimed Nigerian prince’s e-mail operation is said [Read More]

Khan’s Game Exposed

Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 20:45 Dr. Tar 28

If you went looking on the internet to verify stories on the Gold Star father and media star, Khizr Khan’s law firm that specialized in EB5 Immigration filings for wealthy [Read More]

Syrian Payback

Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 17:45 Dr. Tar 10

Yesterday a Russian helicopter reportedly delivering humanitarian aid to the besieged city of Aleppo was shot down over rebel territory. All aboard were killed. This morning there are early reports [Read More]

Little Proof Flossing Prevents Cavities

Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 14:45 Dr. Tar 23

After questioning the studies demonstrating the benefits of flossing, the departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture removed the recommendation from the latest edition of the dietary guidelines. The AP [Read More]

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