Dr. Tar – Page 758 – IOTW Report

Suspect Droned Down

Friday, 3 July 2015, 19:15 Dr. Tar 7

A robber stole a car, held up a convenience store, crashed while fleeing police and escaped into a swampy area in Middleton, WI (a suburb of Madison). The police borrowed [Read More]

Billboards for Bernie

Thursday, 2 July 2015, 16:15 Dr. Tar 10

This went up on billboards around Milwaukee and Green Bay to greet the arrival of Bernie Sanders (VT-I) to rally his people in Madison Wednesday night. Story Cute, but I [Read More]

Walker to File Today

Thursday, 2 July 2015, 12:30 Dr. Tar 18

The presidential race is about to add one more contender. Governor Scott Walker (WI-R) is filing the necessary paper work with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) later today. The official [Read More]

The German Jihadist

Monday, 29 June 2015, 17:30 Dr. Tar 21

Jurgen Hodenhoefer is all over the news today being the only Western journalist to venture into ISIS territory and come back to tell us about it. He views the foreign fighters as a bunch [Read More]

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