Obama’s Here!- U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
In an update to the post BFH made the other day, apparently the WIAA (Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Association) has also found the chanting of U-S-A at sporting events to be offensive. They [Read More]
In an update to the post BFH made the other day, apparently the WIAA (Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Association) has also found the chanting of U-S-A at sporting events to be offensive. They [Read More]
Representative Sean Duffy (WI-R) is being accused of being racist, and now the Congressional Black Caucus is considering a resolution to condemn the congressman for his “racially insensitive remarks.” The [Read More]
Found unresponsive in his lone cell in Kern Valley State Prison in CA, the once great Nebraska running back and NFL washout, Lawrence Phillips, is suspected of taking his own [Read More]
An Australian woman thought she caught a remarkable image of a grieving male kangaroo cradling the head of its mate. The pictures were picked up and flashed around the world. Turns out, [Read More]
Deputy Brett Berry copped a guilty plea to misdemeanor animal cruelty in Carlton, MN county court. Berry was caught on a Black Bear Casino closed circuit video in a “drunken condition,” hitting his [Read More]
In a real head scratcher of a speech, Chelsea Clinton warned New Hampshire Democrats not to vote for Bernie Sanders for a particularly ridiculous reason. Announcing that Bernie “wants to [Read More]
The Democrat presidential candidates sat down with minority media personalities (Ramos, Hughes, Browne, Melendez) Monday night for the Iowa Black and Brown Forum to hash out which can suck up best to [Read More]
Britain’s most prolific sperm donor, Simon Watson, has gone into business for himself and now offers his “ammo” at £50 a shot on Facebook. More He needs a catchy marketing [Read More]
Good news, Mississippi. Your Obamacare premiums are expected to go down slightly in 2016. For the rest of the states, I’ve got bad news. Here If you live in Minnesota, you might want [Read More]
Recent polling indicates roughly 20% of Democrats would likely cross party lines and vote for Donald Trump. More Why Here
Kevin Williamson puts into about 1,200 words what I could say in three- “Waste of Time.” Still it’s a good read on the nonsense that is the modern State of the [Read More]
After reading Thomas Sowell’s column and reviewing Governor Abbott’s proposed nine amendments, a Convention of States might just carve back some power for the people from the central government. More
With Republicans barely trending above their lowest level, those willing to identify as Democrat are getting scarcer as well. Only Independents have been gaining more voters leading into this year’s election cycle, [Read More]
Wesley and Mary Landers drove 400 miles from Alabama to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for treatment of their 7-month-old. The baby’s fine; the parents, not so much. More
500 pages of transcripts have been released covering three years of phone calls between Bill Clinton and Tony Blair when they were heads of the their respective nations. Some of [Read More]
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