America’s First Muslim Ghetto?
Once a factory town for Dodge, with a majority Polish population, Hamtramck, MI is now “23 percent Arabic, 19 percent Bangladeshi and 7 percent Bosnian.” Hamtramck’s claim to fame today [Read More]
Once a factory town for Dodge, with a majority Polish population, Hamtramck, MI is now “23 percent Arabic, 19 percent Bangladeshi and 7 percent Bosnian.” Hamtramck’s claim to fame today [Read More]
In castigating opponents to the current screening process for Syrian refugees, the Obama tried to back his policy by throwing around some statistics. Only, the numbers used couldn’t be verified or [Read More]
Rayma Suprani lost her job at El Universal in Venezuela after drawing an image of Hugo Chavez’s signature flat lining, to symbolize the state of health care in her nation. [Read More]
Catherine Herridge is reporting this morning that the FBI is expanding its investigation into the making of false statements and or putting pressure on a third party to cover up [Read More]
The Kurds are attempting to retake the Northern Iraqi town of Sinjar today, known for being home to the Yazidis who fled to Sinjar mountain to escape the terrorist organization last [Read More]
About 1,000 students of Ithaca College walked out of class yesterday, demanding the resignation of their President for not responding to alleged racial incidents on campus. Sound familiar? One brave [Read More]
…was paved with multicultural good intentions. Jack Cashill weighs in on the University of Missouri fiasco and provides some valuable context on how a few scattered and possibly apocryphal incidents [Read More]
This is getting embarrassing for the Arabs trying to attack Israelis. Watch
Starting in 2000, every gun sold in the state of Maryland had to be fired once and the spent casing turned over to the police. The idea was to build [Read More]
The main stage debate last night got bogged down in tax plans and whether or not 11 million illegals can and should be deported. The debate that preceded it had, perhaps, [Read More]
State Senator Lena Taylor (WI-D) showed up outside the Republican debate last night and made a point of posting pics of protestors to her Facebook page in solidarity with their [Read More]
The Kings College of London has been conducting a longitudinal study of 15,000 identical pairs of twins for the last 18 years. Called the twins early development study, or TEDS [Read More]
The World Anti-Doping Agency has produced a 323 page indictment of Russia’s athletics program. The report finds the Russians have “what is very likely the most extensive state-sponsored doping program [Read More]
The efforts of the Obama administration to rewrite immigration law was struck another blow yesterday when the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower courts injunction against an administration’s [Read More]
Democrats are a year out from the next national election and Chuck Todd is forcing them to stare into the Obyss (definition: The hole left in the rank of democrats because they’ve [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.