Dr. Tar – Page 797 – IOTW Report

Tebow To Début In Philly

Saturday, 15 August 2015, 9:43 Dr. Tar 19

Will the city that destroyed Hitchbot, threw batteries at Santa, and are generally considered some of the worse fans in the NFL be ready to welcome Tim Tebow to their [Read More]

#Unborn Lives Matter

Friday, 14 August 2015, 19:30 Dr. Tar 2

August 22 is designated a “National Day of Protest” for pro-life opponents to Planned Parenthood.     Rallies are to be held in 180 cities across 43 states.  

Brian Mast for Congress

Thursday, 13 August 2015, 18:00 Dr. Tar 1

Retired SSG Army Special Operations combat veteran, Brian Mast is running for Florida’s 18th congressional district.    

Endangered Species Condoms

Wednesday, 12 August 2015, 17:00 Dr. Tar 14

The Center for Biological Diversity is handing out condoms to college students this year with a message begging them to be careful and not overpopulate the planet any further.

A Piece of the Action

Wednesday, 12 August 2015, 12:15 Dr. Tar 4

The Center for Medical Progress has released their latest video featuring former Planned Parenthood employee, Holly O’Donnell who describes the procurement process of aborted baby body parts. As a “procurement [Read More]

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