Articles by MJA
Well, How Many Are There?
TheWeeklyStandard: Friday morning, Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump. During the press conference, a reporter asked, when Carson “says there are two Donald Trumps, do you agree with that characterization and [Read More]
Obama: I’m more worried about climate change than the Islamic State
JihadWatch: In a new interview published in The Atlantic magazine, President Obama says he is more worried about climate change than the terrorist group ISIS. “ISIS is not an existential [Read More]
Mizzou sees 25% enrollment drop, $32M budget deficit after racial protests
WashingtonTimes:The University of Missouri campus rocked by racial protests last year is in damage-control mode after experiencing a nearly 25 percent drop in freshman enrollment and a staggering $32 million [Read More]
New Poll, Endorsements: Kasichmentum in Ohio?
TH: Ohio Governor John Kasich’s continued presence in the 2016 campaign is predicated on winning his home state on Tuesday.
You’re In My Spot
“Sheldon’s Spot”
Clinton, Sanders may regret immigration vows
CNN: [Buck Sexton]- It is a safe bet when Univision hosts a debate, run by Latino moderators, that immigration will be a primary topic. This was certainly the case in Miami [Read More]
Who Wore It Better?
NSFA or these models?
“Let me call my buddy, he’s an expert on bail bonds”
Via Q105.1 h/t Doc. h/t Benjamin.
Lipstick on a Pig
Can you see Bill back there? lol h/t Doc.
‘You son of a b!tch!’
Homeless hoarder’s junk train gets tossed. NYPost: Mayor de Blasio on Wednesday gave the order to dump the Hell’s Kitchen hoarder’s caravan of carts after The Post revealed her incredible, block-long [Read More]
Muslim Surgeon’s Hijab was ‘Spotted with Blood’ Before an Operation, Refused to change
PamelaGeller: Top doc axed in bust-up after reporting Muslim surgeon’s hijab was “spotted with blood” before an NHS operation.
Powerline: National Public Radio collaborated with Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to survey Americans’ recent experience with health care. As to the [Read More]
White House interviewing 5 potential U.S. Supreme Court nominees
Reuters: The White House is interviewing five potential nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy created by the death last month of Justice Antonin Scalia, a source familiar with the [Read More]