Tribute: Lily Tang Williams
Ushanka: She posted the photo above, and these comments, on FB: I am a Chinese immigrant and an American citizen by choice. I once was a slave before and I [Read More]
Ushanka: She posted the photo above, and these comments, on FB: I am a Chinese immigrant and an American citizen by choice. I once was a slave before and I [Read More]
Breitbart: Governor Jerry Brown shocked Sacramento on January 8 when he announced his opposition to two November union-backed ballot initiatives that would sell a $9 billion school construction bond and [Read More]
He’ll use any opportunity to get some back-door action. BigGovernment: The Obama Administration’s new Countering Violent Extremism Task Force is an effort to coerce Silicon Valley tech companies to cooperate [Read More]
Independent Sentinel: Obama has allowed the conditional release of any extremely dangerous GITMO detainee and you won’t believe the reasons why. He’s “more open”, he is “reconsidering” his crazy ideology, [Read More]
FOX News: The Department of Veterans Affairs said Friday two high-ranking officials were finally demoted in response to a federal probe that found they manipulated the agency’s personnel system for [Read More]– By BI: It’s nearly impossible to get actual numbers, but conservative estimates report that at least 50% and upwards of 90% of NYC cab drivers are from South Asian [Read More]
A Girl And A Gun: In 1651, Thomas Hobbes wrote that free people consent to give up their individual rights in order to establish a political community, i.e., civil society, [Read More]
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ThePeople’sCube: COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA – Witnesses are coming forward confirming that former President William J. Clinton suffered minor injuries back stage while his wife, Hillary Clinton, attended a town hall event [Read More]
“It goes all the way back to from her original arrival in Little Rock, Arkansas…”
AWD: If there’s one damn thing that harshes AWD’s mellow it’s these so-called ‘medical experts’ who can’t seem to make up their @#&* minds on what’s good for you and [Read More]
USAToday: Already notorious for its public and gruesome executions, a member of the Islamic State killed his own mother in front of a crowd in Syria this week after she tried to [Read More]
Funny how Sanders keeps bringing up Hillary’s problems that he says he’s not going to talk about. More, please. Breitbart: Democratic presidential challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) blasted Bill Clinton’s extramarital affair with former [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.